Posts by ZombieWoof

    I think I saw this title at Target for $6.99 yesterday. Looks like I'm picking up a new game over lunch.

    Thx for the review! This kind of thing is helpful for those of us who can't pick up every latest-and-greatest game that comes out.

    I figure I already paid the price for my transgressions, but I'll stand for whatever pain any of the clans involved wish to inflict.

    I hit the big reset button on my old character and started fresh with nothing but cash and enough transferred gear for one ship. I planned to outfit 3 more fighters, so I needed more gear.

    Hiruga isn't so bad, if you know the trick, so there's three Advanced Champion shields in the hold right there. Might as well cruise over to Ainu to get he thrusters while I'm in the neighborhood - three of those, please.

    Then I skipped over to Frankfurt for a trio of Power Generators and Shield Upgrades, then off to Sol for some PPCs. Three ships, four guns each...might as well pick up the level 10 armor while I'm here. It's best to keep all your eggs in one basket for security, right?

    Headed back to Manhattan to gear up my new characters, slaughter a couple DKs at Jupiter, hit the Saturn jump gate...

    Ker-Boom! [18] No reason, no 'killed by NPC' message - nothing.

    If anybody saw a 150 milion credit cloud of debris around Saturn a few weeks ago - that was me.

    I promise - next time I'll ask permission.

    Killing Xenos makes all factions like you more, but criminal factions have more enemies than allies. As you become more green with the houses and corporations, that drives down your reputation with criminals more than killing Xenos drives it up.

    I suggest you go slay some factions with which you are green. I will typically attack any green NPC in order to even out my reputation.

    Kusari Light Fighter

    The brainchild of Admiral Kondo Mifune, this top secret design was developed outside the influence of the kiretsu, away from spying eyes and traitorous separatists. Based on the unmatched agility of the Drake, this design employs groundbreaking new technology to increase power output and shield capability, enabling the Shuriken to carry firepower nearly equal to the heaviest of fighters.

    Rheinland Very Heavy Fighter

    Designed by an uncharacteristically flamboyant lead engineer, this sleek design goes directly against the usually reserved and mechanistic Rheinland esthetic, thus earning its name, Heretic. Regardless of its design, it remains a mechanical wonder, carrying the highest level of offensive and defensive capabilities to the enemies of the Father Land.

    Baba Yaga
    Coalition Very Heavy Fighter

    Named after the legendary witch, the stealer of children in the night, this ship is soon to be a legendary monster itself. With unparalleled firepower, armor sufficient to withstand any foe, and a revolutionary power plant design to breath life into the beast, the Baba Yaga will bring woe to all who cross her.

    I've had 2 different police clans basically say 'Who cares?' in that situation. In one case they weren't just near, they were in sight. I say count on yourself.

    Welcome again!

    Glad to be of service, Jenny. I also suggest you check out the various clans, chat with people, explore a bit and have some laughs before making the clan decision.

    But FYI - all the cool kids are in IFC.



    Originally posted by Rackateer

    4. IFC.......well, you are operating as illegals and have been publicly solicited by TRF.....Access is denied and revoked.

    Publicly solicited by a pirate. And that is a sufficient reason to deny access? Seriously? wow......

    I do on rare occasions. But I cheat. [8] God mode is the shiznit.

    I figure I'll never see the far reaches in MP because I don't really want to spend a thousand hours getting that good at combat (DK space, for instance.)

    Also, some systems are either verboten or nearly so, and I don't want to go get permission for Hiruga, then get stuck, then have to log off and come back another day withouth permission to be in there, then get bombarded with attacks and a price on my head and all that fun stuff, ya know?

    Or if I am dying to drive a Shroud or something equally proprietary - have to do that in SP.


    Originally posted by magnet
    better suggestion -- encourage players to use them. I, for example, use the Red Eagle (almost vanilla) and 2 vanilla weapons (+ no missiles) so ... ;)

    What we need is Vanilla-like weapon specialization -- a shieldbuster (tizona in vanilla), a low-power gun w/ uber refire rate, a slow and slow-refiring Cannonlike thing etc etc. Cos now atm we've got like 2 guns (PPC and DKA) everyone uses and they are almost the same (only difference is minor change in power use)

    What he said. With the price of the VHFs so high, it discourages 'trying one on for size' just because it looks cool. It's not an issue for people who have been running a train for a year and a half, but for noobs and relative noobs the price tag can be a little daunting, so we try to research the 'best one' and go for that.

    Plus, with so many of them burried in clan systems it can be hard to even SEE some models outside of single player. Certainly a gem like the Shroud should belong to the people who pay for the system, but maybe some of the more 'average' ships could be moved somewhere more communal, like maybe Wheel of Sirius?

    Noob sits down and shuts up now.