Crossfire Karma, or Why Its Bad To Steal

There are 5 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Centaurian.

  • I figure I already paid the price for my transgressions, but I'll stand for whatever pain any of the clans involved wish to inflict.

    I hit the big reset button on my old character and started fresh with nothing but cash and enough transferred gear for one ship. I planned to outfit 3 more fighters, so I needed more gear.

    Hiruga isn't so bad, if you know the trick, so there's three Advanced Champion shields in the hold right there. Might as well cruise over to Ainu to get he thrusters while I'm in the neighborhood - three of those, please.

    Then I skipped over to Frankfurt for a trio of Power Generators and Shield Upgrades, then off to Sol for some PPCs. Three ships, four guns each...might as well pick up the level 10 armor while I'm here. It's best to keep all your eggs in one basket for security, right?

    Headed back to Manhattan to gear up my new characters, slaughter a couple DKs at Jupiter, hit the Saturn jump gate...

    Ker-Boom! [18] No reason, no 'killed by NPC' message - nothing.

    If anybody saw a 150 milion credit cloud of debris around Saturn a few weeks ago - that was me.

    I promise - next time I'll ask permission.

    Hmmm...more zombies than usual...

  • you should do this more often. pirates used to collect those things ;)
    But before you are going to blow up yourself - give us a hint pls...

    Next time i try to be around to collect the cargo^^

    PS: Thats really one of my favourite jobs - collecting stuff without have done anything else just moving :P

  • this is known to happen in VERY rare cases.
    it happened to me a few times in the past. but only maybe once per 6-8 months. this seems to involve lag - u probably went through a planet but the server didnt "jump" u through it and so u died as soon as u got control of ur ship.

  • Stealing is good, as long you get away with it & noone finds out :P

    Now that you mention it - i think i`ll ''Liberate'' a few Shields & Thrusters within the comming days, for the poor & defenseless...

    Assumption is the mother of all fuckups.

    Being a Cynic isn't that bad. Either I'm right or I am pleasantly surprised.

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    i think i`ll ''Liberate'' a few Shields & Thrusters

    definitely a more palatable outlook than theft... ;)

    But I would suggest that the original problem was one of greed, rather than karma; had you made a stop at the local arms depot, instead of continuing off into Sol, you'd still have most of that stuff. Beware of a hold full of unmounted capital equipment, especially anywhere near DK zones!

    My rig: i3-4130 Core Duo (3.4Ghz), Gigabit GA-B85-HD3 mobo, 8Gb PC1600ram, Samsung 2x 80Gb SATA RAID, Intel Integrated graphics, 3 optical drives, 23" Asus HD monitor + peripherals

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