Posts by Hexebelle

    OK OP.. I guess us girls can live with the man-voice if we have no other options.. it soooo sucks that all the great games only have man characters.. its like girls who like to play don't exist.. ho hum.. [5] take that Bill Gates..

    I suggest you go ahead and go MP.. I have never played SP Freelancer or SP Crossfire.. just jumped right into MP.. and I've never done a mission. (the 2nd ranked CF player ever never did any missions either!)

    I haven't had any problems finding my way around or getting help from other players in MP. Everyone is very helpful to newbies.. I think it's a Crossfire tradition!

    So go ahead with MP.. you'll get more action (and more in-game help) that way.. happy flying! :D

    I say 'Fornication'.

    Abrasdevil, on the other hand, suggested 'Coitus Interruptus'.

    Then again, I kind of like 'Optimus Prime', after the Transformer..

    How the hell often does Trent talk? LOL. If we use Juni's character, couldn't we use her voice too? As long as she's not hitting up the babes in the bar like Trent.. ROFL..

    On the other hand.. I don't really care if shes a lesbian.. as long as my char doesn't look like Trent.. or a Junker..

    It's only fair us girls get represented in the game... and with all this talk about get the characters more interactive, I would think it'd be more interesting, and more realistic.. since we DO play too..

    Where is Queen Wolfess and Eclipsya when I need them?

    Thanks for the link, guys. I read the final draft of the letter, and it sounds great. Should get the attention of the other communities. A-1 job to all who worked on it.. and to all who are sending it out!

    And for Privateer.. just remember how much you love me when its tax time.. LOL.

    I have a dream too.. I dream of being able to play this mod as a GIRL. So I'm speaking up for all the other girls who love the game.. can we have a girl character? Please? Just one would satisfy me..

    Without losing our existing accounts of course..


    Being a new player.. and new to the forum, I thought I would post my opinion on the LR situation. I have read all the posts here, and I certainly hope that the future of SWAT is in no way connected to the future of LR.

    Aside from their verbal abuse on OP, they have been shown and quoted as liars and deceivers, so it is obvious *even to a newcomer* that they are not to be trusted.

    One thing I did not see.. it was suggested on an earlier page, that a letter should be written and posted in this forum to be sent to others in the FL community about SWAT.. this was never posted to the forum, and I wonder what happened with that endeavor? Can someone please let me know about that? Because I will be happy to help in the effort..

    My husband and I both play this game.. and although we are not affiliated with any clans, SWAT is the only mod we play.. so we very much want to see it continue and prosper.

    If LR didn't have us before, they certainly won't have us now or in the future. What they are trying to do is just plain WRONG. As an independent player, I don't see a future in LR.. so let them die and be done with them.

    If other FL communities want to remain independent, then they should move to SWAT, where they can get support instead of criticism.. and where their communities can actually play instead of being banned by Louva-Dictator.

    All the best to OP & all the admins at SWAT. You guys do a great job!