Posts by Coalition_SU


    Originally posted by Inferno

    -instability and less players to join them. believe me mate, i also had my own clan - but it didnt work. and i gave really my best, i even got help from SP but it simply didnt work. other clans here are dieing, which isnt great, so i think it would be better to help those clans first and then making your own ones
    if any1 here wants, i could make, let's say, a program of organozation how and which clan to help so the recruiting would go much faster. after the clans grow strong back again, we can help all newbie clans.

    its all about organization mates - and thats what im going to make in my future life ...

    also we have 3 clanmebers (and still unregistered), but we have 4 recruits. and i think that it is good. u know why? cuz see around Inferno - u will see that every clan not so bigger - LP - in game only 3-4 members. BG and CFPD more. PHQ and H5N1 not so many ppl too. we came here from another mod and btw after time which we playing Freelancer on network we know that best clan is - which have 5 or 6 stability fighters (clan members) and thats enough. cuz if will be fight clan to clan - server will be lagged and may down. i sawn it also. i hope u understand this. and all of it we will see in near future - who will stay and who will be out. at this time MW - out. i didn't see anyone who is still playing here. and every day here - ASF members. CSF look like dead peoples. except UAC. however UAC out of total fights between ASF and CSF, cuz they fight vs others CSF. still dunno diplomacy of LP, Fallen - u are CSF and pirates, but there is one pirate (50% pirate 50% neutral) - u. IOC, BG, CFPD, UAC - clans, we see it. others? i think no, just ppl with clan tags.
    good luck ppl.


    Originally posted by Inferno
    ASF alawys wins cuz they are lagging, haha (j/k) :P

    but anyway, to all freelancers: please, join one of the already exsiting server clans, help them running and we will help to the others then ...
    unless the server has stabile clans, new clans will have problems ...

    what kind of problems?

    SU - Soviet Union.
    Coalition not pirate, not police, not mercenary, not shmugler.
    and we wan't to recruit some ppl who from country wich have been in SU. we dont talk with other ppl (only if Serverpolice and Admin will have some question to us), don't atack. but for pirates - LP, Fallen, PHQ - we neutral for all ppl and we can defend ourself if it need. i know that now u have more clanmembers, but we don't pay tax to anyone clan and ppl, we wan't to create COALITION here. I Mean who speak russian and want to join us. After that we can say to others - what is our diplomacy and who are we. Soon will be our clan site. now we unregisterred, i think that it is for now only, If OP can find any time to talk about all of this.
    Good Look PPL.