Posts by Wallie

    cool tip for re-installing wtihout losing chars:

    Just delete the folder where you installed freelancer and delete the modmanager folder.

    Aftre this re-install freelancer, then use the sdk1.3 version, then install the modmanager 1.3 and finally load the cfsetup.exe for the new mod.

    I did this evrytime and never lost my chars.

    Hope i made your life little easier.

    Greetz [HC]_Wallie

    wow he really paid back the loans? Then I have great respect for this pilot. Carry on my friend.

    PS: Don't take loans but earn them yourself...much safer :D



    I agree 2. It's very bad that people do this kind of stuff. Why? we'll never know but we don't have to kill our fun.

    I also play EVE online and believe me EVE is a whole lot bigger then Crossfire (major story is somewhat like Freelancer/Crossifre and they constantly have 20thousand peeps online in a single server envronment!!!) and this shit happens there al the time. Just don't let it kill your fun.

    That's all actually i wanted to say about this.



    Dear Crossfire player,

    the folowing rules are active for Vega System:

    - No entering without permission from a [HC] member
    - No looting weps or artifacts for non [HC] members
    - If you wanna trade or buy something you MUST pay tax to a [HC] member

    And finally, if no one is online don't enter but wait until a [HC] member logs on.

    Please respect these rules!
    If not they will result into something you wish that it never happened

    these rules can also be read on…ic&forum_id=2&thread_id=7

    Hi folks,

    sorry for late response. I was figuring out where to find all these messages on forum (Thought there was only one board under Crossifre Mod).

    First things first:

    We are a new clan since a few weeks (that we use tag also online). We have been busy building forum, playing and going on vacation so some of you saw us and some of you didn't. Our clanname is HellCity and our tag is [HC].

    We are still working out what to do: mercenary/smuggler/pirate or police.

    our site:


    About Vega system: We asked OP almost a month ago. He said that we had to wait until he had response from [MW] clan. He did not receive a message (he told me in private mail) and so he sold [HC]HellCity the Vega System.

    Now i read this.......think we got to solve it.

    Think it's best to chat online or otherwise (mail or something) to get this prob solved.

    Greetings [HC_Wallie]
    Admin HellCity


    This was a minor issue in 1.61 too. Just hit F1, exit the game, and relaod your character. When you return to Sol, the jumpgates should be visible and usable.

    Yes , it worked. thnx man! [8] [8]

    i have done a clean install and have never been to altair. first time undock i crashed to desktop and second time i could fly but having much red lag.

    singleplayer works fine only when i jump into sol there are nomore jumpgates. Graphics are gone and not possible to take jump.

    Player Char: Wallie