Posts by boy george

    Another interesting fact , although i despise the nigger that is MR T

    He keeps his youthfull looks by consuming copious amounts of tramps piss.

    @ morti . No offence Morti but i would waste u in a square go.

    I would burst your chops if i seen you coming down the road dressed like that knob end out of Hitman.

    last one ,, i would pull out ur eye and have intercourse with ur bleeding socket.

    No offence intended

    Not all players are friendly and you should be aware of that. You will have tons of fun and tons of frustration.

    To help the latter i have placed a KOS on you when you reach level 50.

    I hope this helps

    I once met Chuck Noris in manchester pub. After a length discussion about his numerous b movie flops he took me into the toilets and chewed my bunnet off.

    I havent heard from him since,, so Chuck if ur reading this get in touch. I have a bill for reconstructive surgery for you.

    @ Criminal you may want to upgrade your polystyrene cup and string connection with a new fangled device called a "MODEM" .Not sure what it stands for but i believe you can get these devices to run at 56kbs. I can hear you now Crim saying woo.
    Just pop down to ur local PC World rip off store and tell them that you would like to upgrade your Commodore 64.

    Good luck, see you in a back alley

    THE GAYS have spoken

    I discovered the game by chance. I was at a party one night at the Pink Flamingo in Glasgow and got talking to some right minded guys , who invited me back to their pad. It was there that we all done some lines of charlie off of a pc game box. That game of course was freelancer. Steve aka fancy nancy was right into space games and this was his latest addition to his collection.

    The party was disturbed by some urgent and very loud bangs at his front door. It turns out the police had been tipped off that some leather clad , handle bar moustached guys were snorting some china white.

    I legged it out the back door with the stash hidden in the Freelancer box.

    A couple of weekends later after the stash was well snorted , i installed the game.
    The rest is history guys

    It's always a pleasure to have a new member join the happy family that is Crossfire. We as you will encounter on your numerous cum-ings and goings are the GAY clan.
    We are a friendly bunch with no particular ties to any clan or group.

    Call on us anytime you need help or advice and one of the GAY's will get right back to you.

    Also look out for a character called Gunny. Gunny is the resident police man/force. He's is similar to Officer Dibble out of Top Cat. Call on Gunny when you get into a tight spot , he's sure to lend you a helping hand.

    Enjoy ur time man , u wont find a better server with better people.

    hey guys i am having trouble downloading the mod onto my Sinclair Spectrum 48k , i have connected a polystyrene cup and some good string to my phone connection but dont seem to be getting anywhere.

    Maybe i should upgrade and go for that shit of a hot shovel dial up service i hear so many talk about . I hear download speeds of up to 1 byte per minute are within grasp and a 1 meg file can be yours before Christmas. Wot will those boffins think up next eh??

    see u in space or Burger King either is good for me.