Posts by boy george

    I tried to log on again but now i find myself in an un-named station in Vorktura. Every time i launch for space it crashes to main menu.. I can go to the bar , trader and weapons pages but not leave the station.

    Any ideas ??????

    I know i have prob spelt that wrong.
    Ok heres the situ.
    Playing last night with my clan man in sovetskya ( or Gurm , not sure due to my excessive alcohol intake) i was suddenly thrown to desktop. Re loaded and again thrown to desk top ,, reloaded several times with the same effect. Interestingly my other 2 chars work fine. Char 2 is in Regalis and Char 3 is in Nephele. Both these chars are able to go about as normal.

    Any ideas why this is happening or can the almighty OP move my char?

    All help , as usual , much appreciated

    Very interested in this ship can any of guys tell me the cargo capacity of the ship and is it a moor only ship or can it dock at planets etc.

    Ok Gunny , can we get to a point where we stop pointing fingers, bringing up historical conversations. and get a fix for the problem that is obviously facing some members. There is absolutely no point in saying that player x now has no problem.

    I still have a problem as does others i am sure.
    Some of the threads i have read are written in such a way that senior members involved in this mod believe that the players installing this mod are of low inteligence. Believe me , when i tell you that i too have installed the game 3 times , restarted , defragged , deleted old stuff ,, " done to the letter as per the instructions".

    Lets put all threads aside and offer real advice on how to procede with the problems faced by players who are not able to play this excellent mod.

    Your attention and help in this matter will be very much appreciated.

    Not been banned yet as far as i know but every time i go into the game i am crashed out to server menu within a couple of minutes.

    I followed the steps to the letter and like my clan man , i too am using zonealarm free version.

    All help much appreciated in this matter.