Posts by Klankon

    Don`t know if its already done, so i`m just going to trow it out.

    Freelancer makes 1st peaceful contact with donKavash[/extrabox]
    [extrabox]The Freelancer Edison Trent has bean reportedly the 1st human to ever speak with the dom`Kavash, after he flew trough several enemy occupied systems, he arrived in a dom`Kavash occupied system. There he was approached by the dom`Kavash and given coordinates to one of there stations in that system once there the dom`Kavash explained their history, their war with 3 other alien races the dom`Nepesh, dom`Setek,dom`Razak and there slaves. They also gave him information on those 3 alien races and asked for help in their war.[/extrabox]
    A new ally and new enemies.[/extrabox]
    After the arrival of Edison Trent on planet crossfire, an emergency meeting between all the houses,major corporations,the order and the coaliton was called to discus the events in the core systems and information that Edison Trent brought back from the dom`Kavash. The meeting took place at an undisclosed location at and unknown time. Shortly after the meeting was over an announcement was made that the houses and the Order will enter the dom`Kavash war on there side against dom`Nepesh, dom`Setek and dom`Razak.
    A number of large fleets are assembling somewhere in omega 3[/extrabox]
    Criminals joining the galactic war[/extrabox]
    [extrabox]Several criminal faction have agreed to end all hostilities for the duration of the war and have pledged there support in the war. This was reportedly done after a meeting with Order representatives. The Blood Dragons representative said the following: "During a war of galactic proportions there is no room for internal fighting.[/extrabox]
    [extrabox]There could also be some news about van clausen, who has gone missing during the nomad war. That a wreckage of his ship was found, or that he was suckt in a temporary rift and after years found a way back to civilization.[/extrabox]

    bdw: since were by infocards, is the order infocard updated in 2.0 or is it still the same?, don`t know if its possible, but it would be great, if the infocard would change after tohoku and also nomads added.

    It would be helpful to know exactly which moons still need descriptions, and who is making descriptions for which moon, so 2 or more persons do not work on the same infocard ;) .
    I might help with that when i have some time, don`t know if i will be able to make them in xml though, will have to check one that already exists if its within my programing knowledge. If nothing else, i can do it in pure txt.