Posts by jaffas21


    Was just overwraught .....

    More because my ship wouldn't go through jumpgates ... in fact .. I had to manually line the thing up with each jump gate to get it to go through

    I made the mistake of buying a battlecruiser

    didn't notice the guns were 999,999,999 each .. what a disaster

    the minute i'd bought it .. i found i couldn't land on any planets and all the stations that said i could land on them were a bit misleading because the game just hangs on a cinematic ..... the minute you try and dock

    I've just spent about 3 hours trying to get the thing through jump gates and eventually gave up .. as it just won't dock itself ........

    So theres a big battlecruiser in the manhatten system somewhere if someone wants to blow it up ... or advise me a planet where I can dock ... or preferably lend me £10,000,000 so i can buy my fighter back

    what a mess

    see you later folks


    Apologies if i've missed a previous post on


    I installed the crossfire mod up to 1.57 and even installed the open

    singleplayer with an warning message in the mod manager, but it seems to work


    when I go to multiplayer, it freezes instantly (blue cursor is stuck) and says no

    multiplayer servers are available

    is this because i am behind a router .. or could it

    be something else with my config

    if it is the router .. does anyone know which ports

    i need to allow through


    by the way great mod .. i currently got some

    abuse on the X2 forum from some guy who didn't appreciate the brilliance and the modding

    community over here .. i set him straight .. however if you want to join in .. go to the X2

    scripts and modding forum at the egosoft X2 - the threat forum and make your comments (at

    the posting named freelancer ).. because there appears to be not much quality modding going

    on over there