Crossfire mod hanging on multiplayer

There are 7 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by ChiefRedCloud-AGE-.

  • Hi

    Apologies if i've missed a previous post on


    I installed the crossfire mod up to 1.57 and even installed the open

    singleplayer with an warning message in the mod manager, but it seems to work


    when I go to multiplayer, it freezes instantly (blue cursor is stuck) and says no

    multiplayer servers are available

    is this because i am behind a router .. or could it

    be something else with my config

    if it is the router .. does anyone know which ports

    i need to allow through


    by the way great mod .. i currently got some

    abuse on the X2 forum from some guy who didn't appreciate the brilliance and the modding

    community over here .. i set him straight .. however if you want to join in .. go to the X2

    scripts and modding forum at the egosoft X2 - the threat forum and make your comments (at

    the posting named freelancer ).. because there appears to be not much quality modding going

    on over there

  • a router only prevents you from hosting a server, not joining

    one, so if you want to host a server for a game, you have to look up which ports the game

    uses, and config your router to allow them, I know because I host a Halo server ;)

  • I might be way off

    base here but isn't 1.57 an update to 1.56? Meaning that without 1.56 already installed

    first....then 1.57 will not do anything? Order of install is...

    1. Install

    2. Insatll 1.57 patch
    3. Install SP mod

    I think this is right but

    someone will set it straight if I'm mistaken...Pandora?...OP? [4]

  • Sounds like a firewall problem to me, Jaffas. Btw, welcome to the forum.

    had the same problem the first time I tried to connect to multiplayer using a ZoneAlarm

    firewall. And each time I install an upgrade, I have to reset the firewall to let

    freelancer.exe access the internet.

  • Yeah it appears to be the firewall normally it would

    ask me to accept or deny a program for internet access before i used it

    I guess

    freelancer is an exception, but its added to my allowed programs now


  • Yea...that's it...check your Firewall.....I was going

    to say that....yep...sure...was......any minute now....that's what I was going to

    say........AAAAaaa....What were we talking about????? [4]

  • Chief, dont smoke your

    "Pipe of peace" too much :D

    We few, we happy few, we band of brothers
    For he, today that sheds his blood with me
    Shall be my brother...