Posts by 3oris

    Fixed the white tex for me but get one other, can see (hidden) stations throug nebula clouds, even before i can see ships around, and juste like that exploring excitation was gone, idea?

    Personaly, for having tested & played most of FL Mods (and get 99 problem but that glitch ain't one), i have spending many many time exploring, doing shit with AI, light effect, physics, and polygon (Yup i'm Dev & Mod student :P ).

    I started with small mod and go further with rebalance or addin content mods an finally with full conv mod. DSC give me fun on SP lot of new stuff and system, i liked the unique material & ship of each new "nation" but most of quests are very linear, not a problem for me, but the darkest hour was when i go MP, play 10 m and ... OH GOD WTF HELL here, suprem bastardministrator was here, every (RP)Trader try kill you as soon as you're not in core systems, like (supposed) diplomatic players, and don't hope server policeman will help you if you don't have money or friend to trade (like a smell of ussr here).

    NSU,SWWT and co was cool for ship and Star Wars/Trek/Gate Fan, but even if i'm fan of those universe, i see just things randomly implemented, writen, and textured with feet (Planets & Starcities level : Epileptic), fight are just totally unbalanced (huuuh Atlantis Spaceflyin city incoming,mm'okay get my ass outta here... wait did that pixeledshit kill me at 13k with laser shot?!)

    Vlancer (oh god i say it) was like the deepweb of trolling, like the other the storyline was altered but here, wiped, mixed with other universe, but here with no other explanation than guy who came from eve online and go away after changing all solar sytem economy faction and ... who care! for every question, no rp yay but less rules than a arena server, and creepy troll everywehre, Hi-low combined texture effect and ... OKAY RAGE-UNINSTALL that and send it to blackhole... one does not simply quit Vlancer Its jumpgates are guarded by more than just mod-rascists there is idiots there that does not sleep, and the great Troll is is ever watchful...

    And finally after all this adventure get CF start SP and was like "ho... something not normal...yeah jacobi and that... wait What?!" OMFG so cool trent, so High quality rooms planets :) go to spa... Whoaw by the wormholes is this realy FL ?
    At this point i understand the origin of all HD effects, scenery and good designed ships and stuff, explosion effect... so i play 2 month day & night, enjoy secondary good quests easter eggs.

    So what i can say now is that many critics modmaker just say CF is jealous of thing CF created or think about (Oo), are just freaks they dunno how to mod and think FL is a nextgen MMO or a trollmod lab, but that's not... CF respect FL content and addin ton of stuff, a suite of the basic story like a sir, and also a deepimprovement of sp, even after ending mainquest, and the community (yep i never post was so busy by work and study, but i read you for 2 years) was usefull, organised and innovative, so that i have not again go deep to the MP (your SP give me many ideas and modding tech too, so i begin to create my own mod).

    Just dont worrie about weirdo who does cheated shits and be proud of ur work and community bro's

    Hi Guy's

    Sorry to post huuuh... 1 year after beeing registred, i was last months lost in space near the ring and some other darkspaces...
    IRL on travel trought European Union with only CF1.9 but i think it's enough for at less 10 year of my life, matter

    So huh blablabla happy to see u and all that...
    I stay not far, just gonna play again, sorry i've cargo to sell buy and carry...and merc to see and... okay i really must go now

    See ya