Posts by spacetrout

    ok not as bad as i thought.

    i was planning on using just one character to start as a fighter then trade then get a big battleship but maybe i should start another character for trade.
    if the offer of some guns for the battleship i have is still on yes please as i can then enjoy flying round doing some shooting and i will pay you back as i get some credits.

    cheers :)

    dam wish i new that before. my cargo is 100 units on the battleship. my old ship was 250units.
    i hope i can convince someone to loan cash for guns or theres not much point me playing :( would be better to start from scratch :(

    my ship cost 41mil and sells on for half a mil ! so i cant even sell it and get my old ship back.

    thanks for reply :)

    have few spare bttleship turrets on you by any chance ? lol or anyone else ?


    i have been saving up for a big ship and just got the harbinger class bretonia destroyer. i was a bit gutted when i bought it that it dint come with any guns, so i flew off found somewhere that sells battleship turrets. i was going to do some trading to get enough money for a gun but found that my cargo hold is over half full !!

    i have sold all old equipment from previous ship i have 2 pilots transfered across in cargo hold i have sold them and bought them back again to see if it refreshed the cargo hold cap. but it didnt

    HELP!!! it will take me a lifetime to get 10 battleship guns at 8 mil each ! with a cargo hold hat is stuck over half full. how do i fix the cargo hold ? was my ship suposed no come with no guns!? i am well gutted and stuck now.

    if nothing can be done about the cargo hold then could admin work some magic and restore me back to my old ship and all the credits i saved ? before i got this bloody battleship.

    i would like to keep the ship if possible if i can fix the cargo issue and start to save up for a gun one at a time tradeing.

    Help please