Posts by Vlad

    DarkStalker....before you

    post....please read the new posts....please....we wouldn't have insulted Slayer if he

    hadn't (we thought) insulted Jib....which is what it looked like, even tho now, we see

    thats not what he meant.....I think.....but yeah, don't expect someone to sit idly by and

    let their clan leader be verbally attacked...

    Ok...Slayer, you do

    realize you just declared war on people that are on a heck of alot more than you....and

    that, when members of your clan are on...its usually DarkStalker....By himself......with DC

    and BG.....So......the point of declaring war (again)...Was...?

    Why exactly did nitr0x get banned?

    I have...this...this....this aversion to my leader being banned for no reason....

    And in order to get out, just always head to the bottom right works


    ROFL!! tr0xie got promoted to conquerer.....

    Anyway, on to OP, when will it be back up? Like in hours, since I dun live in germany.


    Oh, and BTW OP, nice fighting today!

    Oh yeah, here's something else...Nitr0x was docked in

    ogashawa, and then Dragon undocked, and so did he, and than they fought...they fought again

    in Honshu....After tr0xie landed, they started talking, and somewhere in the conversation,

    Dragon says,"I considered n0x a friend untill this"......WTF???? Do you expect us to not

    defend ourselves when attacked?

    Jib, play nice

    lol....and Wavey, I understand that you don't like someone threatening your clan...but

    thats in essence what DC did...After we declared WarZone in Sig19, Then DC became merc after

    we declared WZ, which is a direct threat to the only remaining clan in CSF....Plus, BG has

    more money than Chaos...more members, and then BG are always trading....therefore they have

    more money....which means when DC became mercs, they were in essence catering to BG only,

    since they could afford to pay.

    "It is nothing to do with

    RP ,Jib wants to destroy server ,and he will do what he can to do



    "I see only 1 very arrogant person at this moment and

    it is you Jib. "

    More slander...

    Wavey...both of those things are insults...

    Actually is our fault....we are the ones deciding to go to am with you, i don't like the r-39 issue anymore than you do, and i agree to

    go to war, but I am saying that whatever happens because of this war, is our fault...

    Lol, until DC's read it...then it

    will go up again....Jib, there is one thign you should a wing of Chaos, n0x

    supports you in general, and I in particular, but...why are yuo jumping around? What they

    did was...annoying, but not annoying enough to warrant a war...your jumping around


    Oh, and since I am in your clan, and do support you, what are the rules

    regarding the DC Chaos war?

    I agree with


    BG was being lame, and being rather annoying to everyone in well as

    nutreal clans clans like n0x used to be until all the crap started...this is a game, but

    we're not joking....War will happen...

    Nah...I is happy with it...As a warzone, i

    can enter and leave wheni need too...its helpful.....

    AND DANG!!! Buffy...your

    fricken dont't die!!! Killed the other BG's in the 5 min i was on...but not killed meh.