Posts by BladeNet

    I see now the big

    difference between me, my friends and the people we fought against. We like to play, fight

    and pvp because of the game, the role play and the thrill when you're victorious. It seems

    their only goal is to make conspiracy, problems, intrigues and so on. Now they're trying

    once again to discredit my leader, because they lost the fights, they lost the community

    respect, they lost even in their own game of spreading rumours and doing shit.

    Ah i'm so happy the

    server is staying! Thank you OP.
    I have some experience in HTML (and i mean HTML not some

    WYSIWYG), i also can think of or manage a RP event. I'll help with whatever i can.

    It was nice being here guys, good buy to all the

    people that respect me, and all the people i respect. BG, PiA it was nice to play with you

    guys. Chaos it was nice to fight with and against such a good players.



    Every comunity has it's problems, especially when it's

    composed from so different people as ourselves.I'm talking about the different age,

    nationality, experience etc. It is normal to have confrontations, fights and even server

    wide wars. But in the end we are people with something in common. Most of us love CF, Most

    of us care about CF or some people in it, or a clan. And even when we do something foolish

    sooner or later we come to sense. This time it wasn't soon, this time op as a natural

    leader had to show us our misstakes. And most of us did saw them. Most of us cleared the

    missunderstanding and confrontations between ourselves. This community has a future. I'm

    sure that even without CF, part of this community will stay. People that respect eachother

    because of CF will carry that on to other servers and mods. That's a fact that shows future

    for this community.

    I'm having difficulties expressing myself in English, but the

    bottom point is that i love CF i want it to live. We want it to live.

    Yeah it's maybe a good idea, since we are trying not to hunt, not to kill, (or the

    affected ones are Crying Out Loud)(not honorable), and we can only traid :( This server is

    becoming a trade and chat, so we need atleast some events and tournaments.

    Well Enigma, if you need to blame someone for your actions, blame

    ninja too, part of you being kosed is him. You've entered Tohoku while you was KOSed, with

    permission he shouldn't grant. You didn't left when a supirior told you to. Instead you

    laughed at my face.

    Later instead of me hunting you, i've decided to deal with the

    person who was responsible for that. Ninja.
    So don't name call my Colonel, or that KOS

    is gonna be taken more seriosly by the DC.

    [Sith] made some problems

    on TNG, they were double taxing, and willing to shoot instead of talking in English. I just

    hope they will not start a second war on this server.

    I have nothing against discussions, if there will be discussions. Atleast make

    sure your clanmates don't use name calling, accusations, rude language, and shooting when

    they don't like something.

    We on the other half will do the same, needed or not.


    well the missle kept going

    after a target even when the bastard cloaked

    is that meaning there will be

    cloak devices in RB?
    They could be a nasty addition, but aren't they problem in


    Damn sorry for the new thread, i've hit the wrong button, delete it