Posts by TEZZ01UK

    Lets talk physics on a quantum level for a moment,

    It is a fact that electrons that inhabit the sphere of atoms can disappear and reappear from existence..seemingly at random. When scientists can control that..were laughing.
    There are many applications. They never thought that we could change the building blocks of DNA..and control living cells...but we have and its common practice now.

    Working on things at a quantum level is difficult yes, but these things are now a possibility, we are infact closer than you think to doing some remarkable things.


    TR BR3..? Isnt it something to do with photosynthesis?

    Plants can take light from the sun and convert it into energy with ease, Yes we have solar panals, but the process is not the same at all.
    If we could figure out exactly how photosynthesis works, and replicate it..then we could make energy, alot of it, and much cheaper.

    Yes its not free energy, but it also wont impact the earth in the same way using fossil fuels does.


    The Only way I see of having perpetual energy is going to come from The colliders or (death machines :p )
    Like CERN for example. The smashing of matter into other types of matter is bringing in some interesting results.
    As far as the physics of this happening? Well..if they smash stuff around alot they might just find they can make or force new particles into existence..which means possibly new elements. When this happens all the mathmatical stuff involved has to be changed to incorporate said elements.

    Thats where it gets interesting :)


    Guess 2012 maybe the last year we have..if you believe in that sorta thing. Either nice if next year could be a party, make the best of it. :D

    Im still unsure if I should buy xmas presents for next might be a waste :p

    Good fortune to you all.
    Happy New Year.

    P.S. if u see me lurching around space at around 3am..I will be clearly over the limit :P


    After reading some posts on the forum, its easy to believe that Freelancer as a whole is losing players to other games/ consoles etc.
    Of course its great to see a fairly good community here on Crossfire and some quite obviously loyal and hardworking players that have spent alot of time building it.

    On the second hand its also great to see newer members trying to get a grip on things , and try to commit themselves to crossfire by making clans of some description and contribute towards the Roleplay element. I have met Blackwing a few times, and to be honest, he`s a nice bloke with good intentions towards the server as a whole.
    As far as the rules go, somethings do not seem black or white to newer members and long term members can sometimes seem intimidating where it comes to "interpretations" of certain rules.

    Give him time, im sure adjustments can still be made as the DRA clan is still in its infancy.

    Good Luck Blackwing is my messege.


    Hi allz,

    I played crossfire ages ago..but had to leave because of other commitments.

    I came back about 2 weeks agao and I have met some genuinly nice ppl here..even the pirates lol. I havent been blasted out of existence by some dude with all the bells and whistles on their ships..just for fun, which has taken some stress out of playing. Players generally let you get on with what your doing.

    Im thinking of what kind of roleplay I want to get involved in..but at this moment im happy to build myself up and train against NPCs until I feel more comfortable.

    Inner Core scares me..Savages ripped me a new as$ when I went in..barley got back out alive, only to die from hull eating radiation.

    Anywayz..A big thanks to the creators and ops of this Mod..well done, for an old sure looks great and stands up against any other space sim.

    See Y`all out there.


    I really wanted to have a blast before I start making chrimbo Dinner. Must be a major problem if the op cant fix it.

    Is it possible that the updates are corrupt?

    Oh Well.

    Happy Christmas to one and all :)


    Well considering that it is Xmas eve..i doubt were getting on anytime soon, like another poster said..The ops gotta have better things to do.

    Its amazing how much I am missing the game right now.

    Cheers for the reply.

    Its a pain..the missus is telling me to stop playing games on Xmas eve...and I cant get online with it.

    Time is limited..I expect another skirmish with the old lady soon.

    I just wanna fly!