Posts by Zool

    Hi there,

    Problem #1
    I had to try 3 different sources to download the file. At both and Swat_Portal sites the download stopped after 384mb and said it was complete.

    The only successful download location I could find was at: FilePlanet: Freelancer - Crossfire Mod v1.9

    Can anyone vouch for the validity and safety of this site and downloads?

    Problem #2
    When I ran my Avast AV on Crossfire 19.exe install file, it came up with a warning.

    "The file is a decompression bomb (42110)"

    Filename: Crossfire19.exe|>$_OUTDIR\DATA\AUDIO\rvp101dk.utf

    I am running the most up to date version of Avast AV (free version).

    Is ths file a recognised part of the program? and Is it safe to run Crossfire19.exe?

    I am very much looking forward to playing this mod again as it was an excellent mod for FL when I first played it in 2010.
    Thankyou for the help.

    1/ Can someone please tell me where the jumpgate/hole for Gagarin in Tomsk system is pls? 2 hrs searching and I still cant find it?
    2/ The jumpgate from Tomsk to Sovetskoya comes out in a very nasty place. Is there a path out of of there? or is this a pointless place for a jumpgate? never mind, solved this one :P
    3/ Is there a way to get friendly with DK so I dont have to stop and get wasted by 2 gunboats every 10 seconds?

    Thx guys

    Even tho ceptyr is good looking.....the redemption is the fastest of thoose 4 6x10 ships and i think it is the only one that dont feal like a flying brick wall to fly :D

    *Edit Make sure u ask CFPD if u are buying a redemption cos we dont wanna repeat what happened to Zool.


    6 x class10 guns rocks esp if you can get a pair of nomad or dk guns that use no energy and 4 beefy fast fire guns, very hard to run out of weapon power if you have a MK V power unit.
    I tried all these ships in my SP game and the Redemption came out the best being the most agile (of all Sirius sector) ships to fly. Pity cos I really like the design of the Ceptyr but its maneuverability is very poor.

    42?...Oh, for the moment i've thought he is about 12, but well-educated ;)

    Lol, yeah I guess I can come across like that at times, (and Bond, my :girl_devil: agrees with you, though don't we all have an inner child that screams now and then?), however as a MP game player for many years (try playing WoW every day for a few years and see what you have to put up with, it's one of the reasons I left) I guess I am just tired of people's sh_t and reached a point where I felt like making one.

    And one good thing has come from it, I get a better idea about some of my fellow gamers from the replies and help I have received, :thumbsup: . Also now I and other noobs who read this thread will perhaps find the location of all the clan rules easier.

    If forum admin is open to a suggestion, a sticky with a big "NEWCOMERS, READ THIS BEFORE YOU START PLAYING" (editable by clan admin only) would be a great help I think.

    As Faaby said: "I admit it is not easy to find clan system rules with all the trolling in the topics, specially for newcomers."

    Thankyou all for your input. Now I know where to find all the rules I shall be well prepared (I hope) to fit in better.
    I am going to ask Michael for a decision on usage of the redemption and will abide buy it. And should I be allowed to use the redemption as my main ship I hope that will be the end of it.

    Ok guys, let me try to explain. I have read the server rules, several times. I have visited most clan sites and attempted to find their rules. it's a lot of rules, conditions, exceptions etc. granted as an RP game this is going to be the case, I accept that. Finding everyone's (clan's) rules, conditions etc is not a simple thing for someone new to crossfire and it's rather confusing trying to keep track of it all.

    Simply put, my favourite ship is the Redemption VHF, buyable at Station Hope in Tarsus (CFPD). I am constantly being asked if I have permission to use that ship, mostly by a particular clan, whom I assume is allied with CFPD and is looking out for their interests, fair enough. Yes I did purchase the ship without the express permission of anyone from CFPD, however I have been unable to find (before and after I bought it) any restrictions on it's purchase. Also upon leaving the station with my new ship when purchased I was requested to pay a system tax (I assume he was/is CFPD). When I didn't respond to him he shot me down. At no time did this player tell me I could not use the ship, ask if I had permission to buy it or anything like that. After a talk about me being new to the game and how "taxes" etc work he let me go on my way.

    Last night (my time), I was again asked, by a player in a system on the other side of the universe, if I was the guy with the redemption, did I have permission, etc. if not he's gonna have to fine me or kill me.
    Tired of this scenario I explained, yet again my situation. After this I decided that if I'm gonna be questioned by every space jockey who's got something to prove then I might as well quit playing as it's not enjoyable.

    So what's the decision guys, can I have my ship and be left in peace to freelance until such time as I decide on a clan to join once I have got to know a few more people better?
    If not because it's a police ship and I'm not a policeman then fair enough, I'll find something else to fly.

    Now I realise that it might be a bit of work for someone, but would it be possible for either a section on the server rules or a clearly marked section in this forum that provides clan rules or links directly to clan rules within their own forums/websites so that people like me who want to join in the role playing experience and community can be aware of what's what without having to spend a lot of time trying to hunt down all the rules.
    For example I noticed a posting the other day where DC posted their updated clan rules :thumbup: good one guys.

    Thankyou all.

    ""@ Nothingtown14
    "People are opinionated and are always willing to tell you which ship they think is best."

    It's nothing like that mate, that sort of opinion is ok with me. It's the being targeted because I want to fly a specific ship that "belongs" to a specific aspect of the game (as most people see it) and I'm not part of that, that I am being questioned repeatedly, It's getting really annoying.

    Thankyou to everyone who offered me their assistance in learning my way around this most magnificent mod, Some genuinely nice and helpful people, Daywalker, Forlorn and Shockwave to name a few. :thumbsup:

    Thankyou to all the over zealous role players who persist in hounding me over my choice of ship ingame forcing me to explain my choice over and over again :cursing:, it shall trouble you no more as I am weary of it, and going to unload Crossfire. I regret any inconvenience caused.

    Farewell and good hunting to you all.

    As I read through the forum for clues about the crossfire quest I seem to be getting a bit confused about where I am supposed to be going. I see things like "Altair Quest", and "Coalition Quest" (are these 2 the same?)
    then there's "Hyperspace Quest" (Gurm)?? and more about lost pilots from the GMG.

    Could someone please put these in order for me. ( I have the 5 datadisks and the jump point they give).
    Do i need to talk to any NPC's or just head where the disks tell me ?

    Yes I heard about the loot problem, patience is not a prob waiting for the fix, need to make more cash anyways, lol

    Daywalker, this is in MP,
    (I have 2/3 in SP no probs and I think I know where the 3rd one is, just gotta get there to check)

    Do I actually need all 3 disks to give to someone to get the quest going? I already know how to get to Sol and have an idea where the jump point is.

    Oh and feel free to just call me Zool guys, that's always been my callsign, Zoolamon came about when a particular game wouldn't accept Zool 8).

    I'm just about ready to start the new quests. I went to 2 systems where I know disks are but when I shot the containers there was do disk to tractor in.

    Is it possible I destroyed them when I shot the containers?, and can I get them again, (when and how?) as I am really looking forward to this new part of the adventure?

    I have been using my SP game to test various ships, weapons and other equipment to determine what I am going to use in MP. Currently I am running 2 SP games, one with a Shroud and one with a Redemption. BTW I am still in the Sirius Sector and have tested about 50% of all VHF's games are a wonderful thing :D (Deathbalde and Shadowblade are quite good)

    It was suggested to me the other day that my redemption was not agile enough being one of the heaviest VHF's in the game, so I bought the shroud to compare. (Based on the difference in their armour rating as there are no ship masses shown in game).

    I flew 1/2 dozen missions in each and timed some 360 horizontal and vertical turns/loops. I would have tried Hovis' racetrack but the 450 cruise speed makes this almost impossible to do (for me

    The redemption definitely seems a bit more agile than the shroud.

    Then I equipped both with Class 10 armour noticeable difference.

    Then I tried Mk3 weight reduction on each...........again no noticeable difference, so my questions are;

    1/ Are these items meant to be used on fighters or are they for Cap ships?
    2/ Should I see a noticeable difference when using them in SP or are the game mechanics different to MP?
    3/ What is the general consensus on these items?

    I am new to Crossfire my self and loved the SP campaign, yes it was difficult but worth the effort. It took me about 60 hrs all up to get through the storyline and starting out was the hardest. I suggest you buy a Rhino from Pittsburg and visit all the bases you can and find the most profitable trade run backwards and forwards,remember commodities change every day, fastest way to make early money IMHO, then as soon as you can get to the wrecks for the weapons and the BS in texas for a Shade fighter, then just do missions or kill pirates for the pods and sell them to the prisons.