where are the crossfire jumpgates

There are 6 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by privateer.

  • i dlike some info on where the crossfire JG are located i don't need exact locations ( i would prefer there exact locations) but if some one could tell me wheather there near syatem trade lanes or if there far out in space away for the noral tradelanes/base/planets/jg it would be help full.
    i've got the crossfire sirius syatem map which shows what systems have the neww crossfire gates in them but i'd like to know which grid are they in.
    im in new london and cant find where the corridor gate is

  • Crossfire Mod 1.70 Client Edition


    Chapter 1

    A few months ago a Rheinland explorer found a new Jumpgate to a hidden system in Omicron Alpha . When they entered this system the first time they were shocked. It was the main reason for the rising Nomad activities in the whole Sirius sector. Containing one planet and over 20 Jumpgates to Nomad systems, Liberty systems, Borderworld systems and many unknown systems it's a major threat for all houses. Rheinland, Liberty, Kusari and Bretonia decided to send their fleets to get this system under their control. But the nomads were already waiting for them... hundreds of ships got destroyed and the whole Kusari fleet is still missing after they were chasing a Nomad battleship. But finally it was a victory and the Nomads had to leave. Because of this massive fight above the planet it is now called Crossfire. A few weeks after this important victory the houses decided to colonize the unknown systems. But because of the Outcast in the neighbourhood these stations and planets are under permanent attack.

    as OP said: "ppl better should start to read"