Freelancer for Earthlings & Possible Alien Visitors

  • Hope that many people keep sending mail to Microsoft & Chris Roberts about allowing Freelancer to be sold in GoG & maybe also on Steam. Naturally also to have Steam's Workshop open for it & then we'd see Crossfire there as well. Freelancer to be resold in Steam with price of €15-20. Even Valve takes 30% cut Microsoft would still get good $ from the sales. Total War: Rome (played it a lot back in the days) got remastered ver. at end of april this year. It was originally released about seventeen years ago if memory served right data chip.

    Freelancer could easily get resale added to both GoG & Steam or just to other one. Yes, there's already Freelancer Remastered available, but we don't need that as we have better that's known as 'Crossfire'. Much better it is cause comes with enhanced graphics & lots of additional content. Though of course the HD Edition is fine for those who wanna stick only with the Original Client. We fans have the powah to make it happen ^^ *Dreams on*

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