UAC news....

There are 30 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Tranquil_Dominance.

  • I actually like the idea of having seperate divisions or wings, companies often break down into smaller component divisions, each responsible for a different are of 'business' :D

    {UAC}Tranquil_Dominance/ {UAC}Tranquil-Dominance/ {UAC}Tranquil$Dominance/ {UAC}T_D-Bank1//

    With the development of Crossfire 1.6 it's good that you have decided to join our comunity. Almost all server clans are recruiting new members, as indeed are we. If you're simply just interested in knowing more about us, or you're considering applying for a position with us, have a look at, or sign up now on our forumshere.


  • Great idea Ruivo, there is a sticky post here named "welcome cometee" i can add you there if you want.

    Rank + Codename: Captain Blade
    Wing: Dragon Wing
    Organization + Leader: DragonCorps - DC_Hägar

  • you could just add a star or symbol to your char names
    denoting membership of the sub clan, give the sub members certain powers within the clan.
    such as perhaps the power to ask other clan members there buisness (regardless of rank) as this may cause a role play oppertunity.

    you could also make it so holders of the symbol have a milatary rank denoted by other symbols

    this stratergy has its risk as you will create an "Internal affairs department" although all big corperations have similar

    to extend the uses of this department to other players
    and freelancers, the main clan could advertise the service and make people aware that it exists
    your puplic realations department could help you with this

    again i remind all readers of this post it is not my buisness and i am only offering suggestions

  • Quote

    Originally posted by BladeNet
    Great idea Ruivo, there is a sticky post here named "welcome cometee" i can add you there if you want.

    Shure man, thx. That would be very cool :)


    you could also make it so holders of the symbol have a milatary rank denoted by other symbols

    Ya. That's a good idea man, thank you. Instead of just {UAC}Johndoe(M), it could be {UAC}Johndoe(M)>>, or (M) X>> do denote ranks.


    Ruivo, if it's a corporation, how much are wages?

    Now that you've said so, there's something similar. We still do not own too much credit, so whenever a new member comes in, i do my best to get him 50 million ASAP. Actually, getting money with my train to fund new members is pretty much everything i do. Now for the roleplay for real wages, well, you can sign up for a job at UAC forum. And with the virtual credit, you can buy almost all sorts of things on the forum, such as glowing names, shadows, larger avatars or banners and etc.

    But of course, our operatives can always ask for money to me, no refund required. The other members politics about giving money is pretty much independant, so other members may, or may not ask for that money back later.


    to extend the uses of this department to other players
    and freelancers, the main clan could advertise the service and make people aware that it exists
    your puplic realations department could help you with this

    We have ppl taking care of all the active departments. Tranquil_Dominace is the head of public relations, and he does a very good job. I don't know what i would do without him. :)

  • you could also have a reserves division such as the naval reserves, terratorial army and so on

    that way a member could commit one char slot

    and carryon day to day trading/ involvment in the company

  • Quote

    Now for the roleplay for real wages, well, you can sign up for a job at UAC forum. And with the virtual credit, you can buy almost all sorts of things on the forum, such as glowing names, shadows, larger avatars or banners and etc.

    Yep. this is so cool. bein a member u can work for UAC to earn credits and buy fansy stuff on the website ;) check out our forum. 8)

    In game char: {UAC}Ziq.Alpha_F, {UAC}Ziq.Beta_F, {UAC}Ziq.Delta_T

    Freelancers looking for a clan? or more RP? Check out UAC forum to know our organisation and what you can get by joining us. We are looking for active players with strong sense of commitment. Together lets build the best roleplay clan! UAC needs you!

    *Friends are the family we choose for ourselves*

  • If you want to join, or just check out our forum, click the blue "here" in my sig :D

    We are currently looking for someone to head our armed division, our research division.

    And we would appreciate it loads if leaders from other clans would let us know their intentions towards the UAC (in the spirit of role play).

    see you all in space ;)

    {UAC}Tranquil_Dominance/ {UAC}Tranquil-Dominance/ {UAC}Tranquil$Dominance/ {UAC}T_D-Bank1//

    With the development of Crossfire 1.6 it's good that you have decided to join our comunity. Almost all server clans are recruiting new members, as indeed are we. If you're simply just interested in knowing more about us, or you're considering applying for a position with us, have a look at, or sign up now on our forumshere.


  • And please, think if you really want to join. We are looking for active players to join, and not names on our memberlist :)

  • We are still recruiting new members, and would like to formalise our presence as a clan. We require all new members to read both the server rules (found on this forum and our own) and our own clan rules (on our own forum).

    I'd like to welcome all of our new members to the UAC, and wish them a profitable future.

    {UAC}Tranquil_Dominance/ {UAC}Tranquil-Dominance/ {UAC}Tranquil$Dominance/ {UAC}T_D-Bank1//

    With the development of Crossfire 1.6 it's good that you have decided to join our comunity. Almost all server clans are recruiting new members, as indeed are we. If you're simply just interested in knowing more about us, or you're considering applying for a position with us, have a look at, or sign up now on our forumshere.