Papercraft Shipyard Upgrades To Polystyrene

  • [feedquote='Wing Commander News','']


    is taking a break from his

    Excalibur model

    to give the Vampire "Class A" space superiority fighter a shot. He's already made a paper version of

    Pericles' awesome model

    , so this time he's scaled up the sizes a bit. Cardboard and styrofoam are being used for a larger and heftier result this time around. Some of the details are washed out at the larger size, so it's possible the printed textures will be upscaled later on. As you can clearly see, the fighter's distinctive rotating engine pods are first out of the gate. The plan is for them to move like the real thing, which has taken some redesigning to function, but development remains on track!


    So not exactly an update on the Excalibur, but kind of a sister project update to it. Putting the Excalibur on hold for the time due to school demands, but I can't just not work on stuff. So I took Pericles' paper-craft model of the Vampire, upscaled it in photoshop and got to work on it as a styrene model. Basically the same thing I'm working toward as an end result for the Excalibur.
