
There are 15 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Ruivo.

  • Hello all,

    My callsign is {Venatore}, I'm currently downloadng the lastest mod to commence ASAP. I have just one question though,
    Can I still fly my beloved Hammerhead bountyhunter craft if I'm running the mod?


    4U2NV [413]

  • hello, and welcome to crossfire, and, yup, you can indeed still fly the hammerhead :))

    {UAC}Tranquil_Dominance/ {UAC}Tranquil-Dominance/ {UAC}Tranquil$Dominance/ {UAC}T_D-Bank1//

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  • I also like that ship but you will find that in Crossfire you have other choices and maybe you will find something you like. you only need to get enough money to test them all. lol :D


  • Ohh, So my belovered Hammerhead has becme a Tadpol ;( , Thanxs for the advice guys :) I hate having dial up modem connecting it takes so Blooooody long to down the mod [2] Hopfully when I go to bed tonight and wake up in the morning it will be ready :D htanxs again for your replies

    Venatore :rolleyes:

    4U2NV [413]

  • Welcome aboard mate, i hope the anxiety allows you to sleep :P btw, if you need help or guidance, feel free to shot.

    DIAL UP , does that game crashing method of connecting still exist.
    When u all start complaining about the RED's being up ,, look no further than this guy and his like.

    Get broadband man (people) and throw away ur 2 cups and a bit of string connection. If u cant get broadband go play pong!

    I dare say the Goodie Goodies on this server will have something to say about this.


  • maybe the goodie goodies of this server are using dialup themselves...

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

    Bunny thinks Ed is not as cool as him

  • Dial-up connections don't give that much lag.. and i garantee you, he's not the only one.

    (not for me, i have 1Mb)

  • WELL THAT DIDENT WORK!! [2] , After all that slowww download with me in bed counting the hammerhead bountyhunter crafts the bloddy download dident work [2] , I did everything right, download + unzip into FL mod installer but then it came up with a stupid bloody error [5] , ahhhh :(;(?( [1] , so now tonight I sit here before you... yes"on dial up modem pumping out an awsome 44.0kbps downloading yet again :evil:

    We haven't got broadband in this area yet and to the major phone company in Australia I say to u [12] ,

    But I remain faithful to the CROSSFIRE waiting waiting waiting :))

    Venatore :]

    4U2NV [413]

  • hehheeehhe, looooooool

    calm down
    there is STILL 1 thing you havent done.

    UNINSTAL your game (everything) and then instal it again. You also need to reinstal FLMM 3.31 again,and THEN instal this mod into the FLMM and activate it

    i also had the same problem, but i manage to fix it

    now calm down, and DO what i said
    that MUST work

    report after if you manage to activate it

    btw. you are not ONLY guy who had problems with those ERRORS. they will be fixed, but everything will come with time
    good luck

  • breath in and breath out ahhh :D

    thanxs for the info[404], after this download tonight if it doesnt work well there only one thing left to do....[72]

    These are my dreams while I wait for this bloody dowload:

    me preparing to fly my hammerhead[35]

    and this is me..................................not listening to the advice os senior fighter pilots about getting better craft than the hammerhead[instagib] or this one [rocketwhore] or maybe this[rail],

    4U2NV [413]

  • Maybe.... some heartminded guy can mail him a DvD with the mod? I don t have DVD rec... :rolleyes:

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