Hunting for The Awakening

  • [feedquote='Wing Commander News','']


    Earlier this year, we reported that the band Die Krupps has re-released the song they composed for the Wing Commander Prophecy OST, updated for a more recent album. This song, The Vampire Strikes Back, is one of three on the album that were 'inspired by' Wing Commander. What about the other two? We decided to do some more research!

    Today, we'll report on the The Awakening, the track provided by German electronic group Das Ich. The initial review of Das Ich's discography suggested the song was never re-used, "The Awakening" does not appear on any other albums or compilations. In fact, all of their other music is German, while the song on the Prophecy soundtrack is in English.

    Then, a discovery courtesy of their largely-German fandom: The Awakening is actually English lyrics on one of their German songs which was released the next year, in 1998! The German version is called Krieger (Warrior.) That's almost appropriate, considering the Krieger System in Wing Commander Secret Ops! The song was released on their 1998 album Egodram. You can find a lyric video below:

    For comparison, here are the English lyrics:

    A warrior shall come amongst the deepest
    A light to carry through the night
    I'm longing for space
    I'm longing for time
    I'm longing for space
    I'm longing for time

    Now I'm here, million years apart
    A light to carry through the night
    I'm longing for space
    I'm longing for time
    I'm longing for space
    I'm longing for time
    I'm longing for space
    I'm longing for time

    I am the warrior
    The awakening, the awakening
    Coming away for
    The awakening, the awakening
    I am the warrior
    The awakening, the awakening
    The kingdom to come
    The awakening, the awakening

    I am the warrior
    The awakening, the awakening
    Coming away for
    The awakening, the awakening
    I am the warrior
    The awakening, the awakening
    Coming away for
    Coming away for

    A warrior shall come, longing for sake
    Play the fire, burst to death
    I'm longing for space
    I'm longing for time
    I'm longing for space
    I'm longing for time

    Now I'm here, million years apart
    A light to carry through the night
    I'm longing for space
    I'm longing for time
    I am the warrior
    The awakening, the awakening
    Coming away for
    The awakening, the awakening
    I am the warrior
    The awakening, the awakening
    The kingdom to come
    The awakening, the awakening
    I am the warrior
    The awakening, the awakening
    Coming away for
    The awakening, the awakening
    I am the warrior
    The awakening, the awakening
    Coming away for
    The awakening, the awakening
    I am the warrior
    The awakening, the awakening
    Coming away for
    The awakening, the awakening
    I am the warrior
    The awakening, the awakening
    The kingdom to come
    The awakening, the awakening
    I am the warrior

    Note that the German version has different lyrics and was not 'inspired by' Wing Commander, so this is more of an interesting connection than something you should include in your Wing Commander album collection! Tune in next update, where we'll talk about the final original track: Gravitation Zero by Project Pitchfork.[/feedquote]