How to Skip the Multiplayer Missions in Mass Effect Andromeda and Still Get the Rewards

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    If you’ve played the Mass Effect 3 MP, you’ll know a big driving force as to why campaign only lovers even tried it out was for the war readiness that the MP offered. With Mass Effect Andromeda’s multiplayer, there will be items and XP that will cross over between the multiplayer and single player campaigns. If MP is just not your thing at all, no worries – you can still nab yourself some sweet rewards for the main storyline without having to grind at something that doesn’t interest you.

    Fernando Melo, Andromeda producer, paired up with Ian Frazier on Twitter to give fans a little more insight in response to the burning questions about the multiplayer’s affect on the overall game.

    On the 6th day of MP-mas, the MP dev team gave to you: Strike Teams. Don't want to play Missions in MP? Send STs out from either SP or MP.

    — Fernando Melo (@DiscoBabaloo) March 7, 2017

    The ability to send out strike teams is a huge deal – a lot of BioWare fans that had an issue with the focus on MP begged for a strike team option instead so that they could focus on the main story without compromising the outcome. This strike team will be composed of AI allies that will go where you tell them to in order to complete necessary missions. You can still reap the XP bonuses, so have no fear.

    If the idea of strike teams appeals to you, you might also enjoy the fact that there will be some of those missions that aren’t available in multiplayer at all. The risk is high though – for those missions, if your soldiers fail, the mission cannot be attempted again. Each strike team has basic traits that are suitable for each mission type, so choose carefully for the optimal chance at success:

    @TheRandomGamer Depending on the mission and if they succeed/fail, they may acquire traits that affect their performance in the future.

    — Ian S. Frazier (@tibermoon) March 7, 2017

    Even though the multiplayer tech test was officially cancelled last week, there are still demos at certain booths like at GDC and PAX East. Another neat tid-bit released about the multiplayer is that the maps will be free to play as well as the option for loot boxes, should you choose to ramp up your arsenal. The loot boxes are completely voluntary and not necessary to the completion of missions.

    Mass Effect Andromeda officially drops this month on March 21 for PC, Xbox One, and the PlayStation 4! A March 23rd date is set for the EU release. So, gamers, what are your thoughts? Does the new info make you a little less wary of the multiplayer or were you 100% stoked to begin with? Join in on the conversation in the comment section below and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter for gaming and entertainment news live 24/7!

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