Exploration in Mass Effect: Andromeda Teased – New Trailer Dropping Tomorrow (VIDEO)

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    We are now within a month of Mass Effect: Andromeda dropping, and we still can’t help but love being teased about the glorious upcoming title. February seemed to be the jackpot of details about the game, and March is shaping up to be the same way. Of course, this month will see the greatest detail of them all because the actual game is being released on March 21. Less than three weeks away from launch, we are about to get a closer look at the exploration in Mass Effect: Andromeda.

    In the past week, fans have already learned a plethora of things about Mass Effect: Andromeda. We’ve discovered game file sizes and that there will be a day one patch, the beta tech test for multiplayer has officially been cancelled, and that Aaron Flynn has said Andromeda is “totally softcore porn.” We can go on and on about everything we’ve learned in the past week, but we’re here for what’s next. A tweet was sent out from the Mass Effect Twitter account, and it has alerted us of a trailer that is to drop tomorrow that features “exploration in Mass Effect: Andromeda.” Take a look at the teaser for yourself:

    Humanity needs a hero to blaze a trail through a new galaxy. Tomorrow you'll get your first look at exploration in Mass Effect: Andromeda. pic.twitter.com/HahI2LXPrk

    — Mass Effect (@masseffect) March 2, 2017

    The teaser for the upcoming trailer features a few scenarios that our protagonist will go through. Different climates seem to be the focus in the short clip. Windy mountaintops, lush, rainy environments, and cold, steel structures are all present. We can assume the new trailer will offer us looks at these types of places and more. What exactly will we see, though? Will stepping on a flower on one planet affect the environment of another? Perhaps engaging in battle with one alien race will either please or anger other races. The possibilities are nearly endless. The teaser does tout “choices”, and “at its heart… discovery and exploration.” In fact, for those unable to view or hear the video, this is what is said:

    At its heart, Mass Effect: Andromeda is a game of discovery and exploration. The choices you make and the places you go let you blaze your own unique trail through Andromeda.”

    They really want players to know that they will be blazing a trail through the galaxy. Of course, when looking to save humanity, being a badass in discovery and exploration just might do the trick. For those looking to explore new worlds, Mass Effect: Andromeda launches March 21 on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. For those looking to enjoy more Andromeda goodness, the new trailer drops tomorrow, so keep your eyes right here on Don’t Feed the Gamers because you know we’re going to have it for you.

    What say you, explorers? Are you excited to get a new trailer for Mass Effect: Andromeda? What kind of exploration do you believe it is going to show off? Let us know in the comments section below or start a conversation over on our Disqus channel. To remain current with the latest and greatest in gaming and entertainment news, be sure to follow us on Twitter for live 24/7 updates. In case you were wondering about everything you might have missed in the past week, check out the following links:

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