Brand New Mass Effect Andromeda Gameplay Video Drops – A Detailed Look at the Characters’ Combat (VIDEO)

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    Last week, BioWare shared the first in their gameplay series videos to showcase certain elements of the upcoming title: Mass Effect Andromeda. This space-set action-RPG has a lot of hype around it as fans of the trilogy wait alongside new adventurers for its March release. BioWare is at it again to make us want it with a new video – as a brand new Mass Effect Andromeda Gameplay video drops, we get a more detailed look at the characters in the game, our squad, and developer favourites. Take a look at the video below:

    One interesting thing that the video starts off with is the ability to not be limited to one class, which allows the player to make their Pathfinder truly theirs. Combat, Tech, and Biotics – which play-style matches your Ryder sibling? Profiles to tailor with specific abilities can be swapped out at any time to see what fits you as the player the best. This loadout change-out is similar to what fans experienced in the original Mass Effect trilogy giving more freedom to your Pathfinder.

    With this video we have confirmation of our 6 squad mates, that looks to be it at this time. This is the confirmed roster, which you can also see around the 3:20 mark in the video:

    • Cora – Human, Biotic Commander
    • Jaal – Angara, Resistance Fighter
    • Vetra – Turian, Drifter Mercenary
    • Drack – Krogan, Veteran Warrior
    • PeeBee – Asari, Rogue Academic
    • Liam – Human, Crisis Specialist

    Each squadmate has their specific skill set to offer the protagonist. Go with biotic support, or the bruiser Krogan to take those heavy hits. An eclectic squad of different races alongside a new Salarian pilot, it is shaping up to be a solid team to fight alongside the Ryder siblings for a place in the galaxy.

    What are your thoughts on the gameplay videos that have been dropping so far? Is it stoking or waning your excitement? Which squad mate strikes out at you the most? Sound off with your thoughts below and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter for gaming and entertainment news 24/7!

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