Mass Effect: Andromeda’s Love Interests Include Your Favorite “Boo”berry, Peebee

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    As one of the most highly anticipated games of 2017, Mass Effect: Andromeda has been at the forefront of gaming news headlines for the last several months. The most recent news to be released from BioWare was an insightful look at the character of Peebee via an interview with voice actress Christine Lakin. During her interview, Christine made mention of Peebee having the option to “fall in love” throughout the course of the game. This, of course, peaked the interest of fans who began to wonder if Peebee is going to be one of the romanceable love interests for the upcoming game, the answer came via a Twitter response from the producer of the Mass Effect games, Mike Gamble.

    @Cpt_Millennium she is!

    — Michael Gamble (@GambleMike) February 3, 2017

    Great news for fans of the “bouncing blueberry” Asari squadmate, Peebee is a romanceable love interest! This is especially exciting for fans of Asari love interests in the previous Mass Effect games because it confirms at least one Asari is romanceable. However, just because she is romanceable doesn’t necessarily mean everyone can romance her. Given the fact that the Asari are able to procreate with many different species of any gender, the previous incarnations of Asari love interests, such as Liara, were able to be romanced by either male or female player characters. But is Peebee going to be the same? We have no idea.

    Peebee has been thus far described as uncharacteristic to the widespread Asari stereotype of having calm, calculating, ‘reason above all’ personalities with what some might call ‘old souls.’ Peebee is energetic and bubbly, which puts her at a contrast. So does that mean maybe she has more preference than some of her more stereotypical peers? Quite possibly, looks like we will have to wait to find out. The good news, for now, is she is a love interest and that is awesome!

    What do you guys think of the possibility of romancing Peebee? We would love to hear your thoughts so sound off in the comments below. Be sure to stick around right here at DFTG for all the latest news from the gaming world.

    The post Mass Effect: Andromeda’s Love Interests Include Your Favorite “Boo”berry, Peebee appeared first on Don't Feed the Gamers. [/feedquote]