Mass Effect: Andromeda Side Missions Promise Epic Boss Fights and More

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    It’s never a dull day on the holiday news front! If you have been waiting to hear more details on the upcoming space-opera, Mass Effect: Andromeda, you are in for a real treat. Gameinformer has released some crucial information from BioWare and EA regarding the upcoming title: not only will gamers be treated to an epic storyline, but they will no longer be tied strictly to the story’s arc. That’s right. Mass Effect: Andromeda Side Missions will be implemented into the game, allowing for a little bit more free-roam exploration!

    Mass Effect: Andromeda Side Missions

    This is kind of a big deal for gamers, as in previous iterations of the Mass Effect franchise, any sojourns off to other planets usually just involved fetching whatever it was you needed to move the plot along. Now, as the game will also include giant boss battles, and a chance to utilize the Nomad on various terrains, players will have the opportunity to really put their exploration pants on and traverse planets looking for extra tidbits to add to this impressive universe. Mass Effect: Andromeda side missions will include up to six little activities that you can complete as you tackle these little snippets of extra story, though to be clear these are all entirely optional. If you only want to focus on the main story line, you will not be obligated to take on any extra tasks. If you’re looking for more experience points and extra swag, then by all means, take on as many extra tasks as you like!

    There’s going to be quite a bit to expect from these “quests”. While some of them will be fraught with battles against seriously over-leveled bosses (you’ll want to save these locations for later and go back to claim your rightful victory) or overthrowing enemy bases, some Andromeda side missions will simply allow you to utilize a new scanning feature that helps you as a Pathfinder to learn more about the planet you are on. If scanning isn’t your thing, you can track down Drop Zones for extra loot. Last but not least, the previous uncertainty of loyalty missions being involved in the game has thus been confirmed by the developers, ensuring that any ally-centric stories will definitely be explored throughout the game’s thrilling story line.

    There’s so much coming soon and gamers just can’t wait to hear more as the March release date draws closer! Until then, rest assured that a first look of Mass Effect: Andromeda official gameplay will be given on December 1st at the Game Awards, so at least there’s that to hold onto until then. So what do you guys think? Are you excited for the prospect of side quests to Mass Effect’s story line? Let us know in the comments below, and game on!

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