Homeworld Mod Beta Opened Up To Wider Audience

  • wc4homeworld252t.jpgThe

    Homeworld Remastered Mod

    continues to improve based on the feedback of beta testers and the constant refinement that


    has applied. There have been many bug fixes, formation improvements and updates to fuel and ammunition scripts. He's also made the test release more widely

    available at MODDB

    for players who've purchased the game at places like GOG. All of your feedback and bug reports for the new version help make the game better for a big release planned later this month, so get to playing!

    This is the new version of the mod, revamped and reworked to be compatible with the versions 2.0 and 2.1 of HWRM. It currently has only the Confederation and the Kilrathi working, further updates will be coming to restore full functionality. Right now, I'm fixing the bugs in the current release as the testers report them. The goal is to have something cool for the birthday.

