Star Trek Las Vegas 50th Anniversary

  • This year marks the 50th anniversary of Star Trek, and we’ll be joining in on the festivities at the Star Trek Las Vegas convention! We’ll be in Booth B26 – Cryptic developers will be on hand to chat with everyone.

    Want to know how we fit the control scheme of a full scale MMO into a 16 button controller? Come check out the demo stations with our upcoming console versions of Star Trek Online and see just how intuitive the new control scheme can be! Beyond the controls, we’re also excited to show off the updated graphics and gameplay, so drop by and take a look at Star Trek Online coming to Playstation 4 and Xbox One in Fall 2016.

    Last but not least, there will be a “Meet the Devs” event at 7:00pm on Friday, August 5 in the iBar Ultra Lounge at the Rio Suites Hotel where you can ask questions and get immediate answers straight from the minds behind Star Trek Online.

    We’re looking forward to meeting everyone at the convention – it’s going to be one for the ages.

    Live long and prosper!

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