Help A Wingnut, Get Cool Art

  • Longtime community member


    recently had a scare that sent him to the emergency room. The good news is that he's recovering now and all is well - except for the medical bills he racked up through the ordeal. He's not asking for charity, but he is willing to take on your art commissions to help offset the costs. Ninja's been making Wing Commander art for us for

    more than ten years

    , so many are familiar with his talents. If you'd like to help one of our own and have something in mind that he might be able to create,

    send him a note



    I have an unplanned and mighty expensive ER visit to attempt to pay for. So starting now and for a limited period of time, I am offering drawings of no less than 3 hours of personal work involvement for $50 on actual paper with actual art supplies. I will draw you.. I will draw your dog.. I will draw barbarian warriors.. I will draw cars, motorcycles or space ships and airplanes. Anything you'd be willing to show your parents (sorry not safe for work crowd). If you are interested at all... drop me a line right here. Just messaging me is no commitment to buy.. it costs nothing to talk about that art piece you've always wanted. :)