FMV Roller Coaster Runs Its Course

  • Emotional Multimedia Ride has posted its fifth - and possibly final - installment in their retrospective on the Wing Commander series. Both Prophecy and Secret Ops are grouped together in a review of the


    package that GOG has for sale. While there are certainly some high points, they find the overall reduced number of cutscenes, lack of video choices and less seasoned cast to be somewhat less compelling than Wing Commander 4, which ranked as one of their favorite games of all time. On the other hand, they do credit the game's alien artwork and engine effects for making the space combat aspect pretty fun. Note that Prophecy's movies can be

    upgraded to DVD quality

    after downloading the VOB files and applying the correct upgrade patch, which alleviates one of the issues they have with the game. Check out the full article


    or catch up on their entire series


