Painted Over Concordia Looking Mighty Fine

  • klavs_models309t.jpg


    saw Klavs' recent

    Concordia update

    (pictured right) and was so inspired that he had to personalize it on his own. Many people have gone out and textured other artists' 3D models, but this might be a first for WC art. Ninja started with the complex render and then digitally painted in the colors, lights, details and his own visual flair. The result is gorgeous, and it turns out it didn't even take him very long to do!

    A friend of mine from has been making absolutely gorgeous 3d models of Wing Commander ships... His rendition of the TCS Concordia was too great to resist. So I did a paint over (and paint under) and I am super happy with how it turned out. Also paint overs are ridiculously quick to do.. who knew!? :D
