Star Trek Online: Release Notes: May 5th 2016

  • General:

    “The Temporal Front” is now a standard level 60 episode found in the Future Proof tab of the episode journal.
    A new store tab has been added to the Ferengi EV Suit Vendor at the Dilithium Mining Asteroid, where players may exchange Dilithium Mining Claims for Dilithium Vouchers.

    Each Claim may be exchanged for either 2,500 Reputation Dilithium Vouchers or 2,500 Fleet Dilithium Vouchers.
    Players may exchange up to 50 Claims at a time.
    Vouchers cannot be traded or exchanged, and will be bound to the character that makes the exchange.
    There is no limit to the number of Claims a player may exchange.

    The Zefram Shotgun, Phaser and Disruptor Pulsewaves, and Phaser and Disruptor Assault Rifles are now properly categorized as Assault Weapons for traits and power interactions.
    Aceton Assimilators summoned by players will instantly be destroyed if the player that summoned it removes the Console from their equipped item slots.
    Resolved an issue where Subnucleonic Beam could reset the cooldown of Ablative Shell.
    Resolved an issue where the Modifiers displayed in R&D window didn’t match the modifiers gained.

    Known Issues:

    The Assignments to recruit Romulan Bridge officers do not appear
    Selecting “Ready Starship” in the ship selector is not moving slotted items over to the ship for some players.
    The Polaric Modulator Console's engine power boost doesn't apply after moving to another map.