Star Trek Online: Screenshot Contest Winners!

  • Work by Alcyoneserene

    Hi Captains,

    After a short-hiatus, we are back with our regularly scheduled Screenshot contests, and the first thing of business is announcing our winners from our prior contest. Last theme was all about 'Classic Designs' and we were very curious as to what you would come up with. We've had quite a lot of entries and we enjoyed seeing your artwork and your take on what 'Classic Design' means to you.

    As you may have figured out, with the amount of entries, picking just three winners wasn't any easy. But it was well-worth the time, and an enjoyable process of going over of your fantastic entries. With that being said, here are your three winners for the 'Classic Designs'.

    First Place by Beethobzen (1500 ZEN)

    Only very few Star Trek fans wouldn't at least recognize this iconic ship, and the setting of the artwork caught our eyes almost immediately after it was posted. So the first prize goes right to you, beethobzen! Enjoy your winnings!

    Second Place by Nepsthen (1000 ZEN)

    The two classic ships of different time, caught in one shot. We smell timey-wimey sheneningans on this one. The options were - call the DTI or... give a second prize to the author of the artwork. Just kidding. Enjoy your Zen, nepsthen!

    Third Place by Comrademoco (500 ZEN)

    We finish the 'Classic Designs' with the Star Trek Online's classic, coming from comrademoco who gets third place for his awesome shot of the Odyssey-class. A beautiful screenshot like this is an inspiration!

    Don't go anywhere yet. We appreciate the craftmanship and art of your entries; wanting to share some more of your entries in the Honorable Mentions, as per the custom goes.

    Nxt Prv

    Last, but not least - No need to give up if you haven't win this time. Our Screenshot Contests are returning, and in fact, we encourage you to enter April Screenshot Contest, which is already running & will run up until 30th April. The theme is "Time Travel" and as the topic says... time travel is not only allowed, but encouraged in your entries!

    As always, if you have any questions regarding the Screenshot contest, don't be afraid & shoot a line @jodarkrider or @LaughingTrendy. They will be able to answer any & most likely all questions you might have.

    On that note - that's really all for now, Captains. Be efficient and see you next month!

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