Star Trek Online: Away Team gets ready for FedCon 25

  • Captains,

    In less than a month our Away Team heads to FedCon 25 in Germany and we would like to share some great news and information regarding this upcoming convention. FedCon 25 will take place from Friday, 13th of May until Monday, 16th of May 2016 in Bonn, Germany. This year will be truly epic. Not only because it is the 25th FedCon or even because of the 50th anniversary of Star Trek, but because of what we have planned for you and FedCon 25.

    Develeopers beam down to FedCon

    We are very happy to announce that Executive Producer Stephen Ricossa and Lead Artist Samuel Wall will join forces with the Away Team in Europe this year! Have you ever wanted to meet the Devs and ask them your questions? Well, this is your chance! Stephen and Samuel will be around on Friday, 13th May and Saturday, 14th May 2016. Both are very excited to meet the European Community.

    Community Meet-Up

    One of the highlights for the Away Team will be Saturday evening, when we will host the community meet-up. Traditionally the meet-up will take place outside of the convention area, to ensure that each and every one of the community can join. Since we will be in Germany, what place would be more perfect for a community meet-up than a “Bierhaus”? Prepare yourself for a great evening full of Trek, conversations and Goodies at the Bierhaus Machold! The location is close to the city center and easy to reach by public transport (line 66) from the Maritim Hotel. We will provide more information shortly.

    Activities and Booth

    We have tons of stuff planned for you. The Away Team will not only provide you with the latest news about Star Trek Online, but is also looking forward to answering your questions and engage in Trek talk. Speaking of questions, we’ll put your Trek knowledge to the test with our Trek Trivia, if you know the answers to our tricky questions you’ll have the chance to win some epic swag! Not only will Stephen Ricossa and Samuel Wall will be around the booth for FedCon, but you will also have the chance to look over the shoulder of our Designer Tim “Suricata” Davies while he works on STO artwork.

    If you want more of an STO fix and want to get more insight on what it’s like to work at Star Trek Online then our Devs will be hosting several panels at FedCon about STO, the very latest news and what the life of a Dev is like at Cryptic. We have much more prepared, so make sure to drop by our booth and meet us at FedCon!

    Join the spirit

    In case you have never been to a Sci-Fi convention like FedCon before or if you just cannot wait for the event next month, then take a look at our experiences and impressions from last year’s FedCon 24!

    See you in Bonn, Germany!

    Community Manager
    Star Trek Online