Starship Tactics Is Upgrading Its Starships

  • Arraen

    popped in to share some news with fans of his Wing Commander strategy mod,

    Starship Tactics

    . He laments the fact that development has now continued for more than two years, although that leaves out the fact that he had to suspend his work on the game through most of 2014 due to the war in his home country of Ukraine. The new screenshot below shows off two very different types of ships, but Arraen is planning to integrate more of Klavs' designs in the future, which might help some aesthetic uniformity. Most of the core gameplay aspects are complete, so after the ships get polished a bit, it's on to testing!


    Work in progress. Now I'm importing Klavs81's models to game. For example this is his Venture corvette. I hope soon I'll have working alpha build and start active testing. It is almost 2 years of development now. From this perspective it's like a Star Citizen but unfortunately I don't have $100kk like Chris Roberts has :)