New Secret Ops MUP Screenshots Land With A Thud

  • DefianceIndustries

    has both status mupdates and pretty pictures to show off for his Secret Ops

    Model Upgrade Pack

    . He's finished the last pre-Prophecy ship with the addition of the Thunderbolt to the mix. It's got a pretty crafty paint scheme going, and down the line DI may look into some of the alternative liveries that we see here and there. While there's still something funky going on with how the turret functions, it's already imported into the game!


    MUPdate time! Firstly, I'd like to thank everyone who's helped out on the project thus far (you know who you are!!!). Getting a Runner Up honor is awesome! So thanks again and also thanks to the community for the encouragement!

    I'm back with more model updates. I'm rounding out the last of the "legacy" Confed ships with the HF-66 Thunderbolt VII. Here are some Blender renders. For the paint, I chose the WC4 version with some modifications: I liked Sean Murphy's lightning bolt nose art, and I also used the more traditional shark mouth paint on the Excalibur; but I felt that it needed a Confed roundel on it as the original doesn't, so I borrowed a bit from the WC3 texture. And speaking of, when I get some time, I'll add the other schemes so soon you can have your Thunderbolt in "Heart-of-the-Tiger" Grape and Spicy Piratical Cinnamon.

    There's something fishy about how the turret acts in the simulator though, the barrel will detach from the mesh and when it fires, it shoots a crazed volley of laser fire, enough lasers to wipe out a Vampire in one hit. :) I'll get around to it tomorrow, along with giving it a proper entry in the ship viewer...