Retro Review Fondly Remembers WC3

  • PlayerAttack has published a retro review of Wing Commander 3. Rather than someone

    newly exposed

    to the franchise through the digital rereleases, the author here starts by talking about his excitement the first time he saw the game in the early '90s. This energy shines through the remainder of the review. It's just fun to read about other people having fun with the WC series! He discusses what made the FMV sequences in The Heart of the Tiger work better than other releases at the time, and there are comparisons to today's circumstances for context. Since there are 21-year old kids alive today that were born after the release of WC3, it's good that articles like this are still being written to paint the picture for them! Check out the full article



    This game BRIMS with personality. Each cohort you fly with has a unique attitude that is affected by your actions in-game. High morale usually translates to them flying better for you, whereas low morale will impact their performance. The AI does leave a lot to be desired however. More than once my wingman flew into a missile Iâd locked onto an opposing ship and exploded. I wouldnât have minded so much if it werenât for the fact I was court marshalled when I landed. I was, however, grateful that they survived. Each character is unique and nuanced enough that youâre going to fall in love with them all, for different reasons.
