Star Citizen Fan Creates Wing Commanderific Squadron 42 Box

  • Illusive_Man

    has mocked up a pretty clever Squadron 42 box based on the classic Wing Commander 3


    . It mirrors the original fonts, backgrounds and all of the arrangement. Mark Hamill and John Rhys-Davies' positions are the same, as is the placement of the catlike alien and their exploding ships. Gillian Anderson appears to be in Flint's spot and Gary Oldman takes the place of Admiral Tolwyn. Good job!


    Star Citizen "Squadron 42" PC Big Box Design - Wing Commander 3 Style:

    I recently got my copy of Wing Commander 3 "Heart of the Tiger" and thought: wouldnât it be nice to recreate this cover for Star Citizen "Squadron 42"? Iâm really happy with the end result.