Wing Commander Finally Gets Its Due?

  • wc1screenshot11t.gifDen of Geek recently ran an article on the

    50 Underappreciated DOS Games

    . As one of the best


    and highest


    DOS games of all time, we'd probably agree with

    Space Game Junkie

    that Wing Commander doesn't really fit on this list. Rather, this instead seem like a missed opportunity to highlight something like Wing Commander


    or perhaps

    Privateer 2

    . Nevertheless, we'll take it as a fun look back at some of the highlights of yesteryear. Check out the full article



    DOS was no stranger to 3D space combat simulators, and while there were some incredible titles to be had, not many gamers seem to recall the original Wing Commander too much these days.

    Like some cheesy 80s sci-fi film, the intro credits roll to heroic music, space dogfights, and passing asteroids. Then itâs to the bar on-board the TCS Tigerâs Claw for a spot of chitchat with the crew, including Paladinâs magnificent mustachios.

    With girly pin-ups in the barracks, blue hair, scenes of the crew running to their ships, and such names as Blue Devil Squadron and the Killer Bees, Wing Commander was a hit from the word go. It was a breakthrough game, utilising the current PC hardware to the max. Playing now, itâs amazing how difficult the game actually is.