You're Either An Earthworm Or An Eagle

  • And not every model out there can be a majestic eagle.

    Dark Sentinel

    is a super


    artist and one of the best Nephilim


    in the world. But sometimes you're limited by the subject matter, and that's made the bugs' capship missile a challenging project. The blurry original design was passable in 1997, but the new iteration requires a variety of outgrowths and detailed color patterns to hold its own in today's upgraded engines. I do agree version 2 is an improvement on his

    first design



    Capship Missile 2.0.
    I guess this goes into range of splotchy psychodelic. Hell, the original texture was just 64x64 and somehow it looked just awesome enough. Now trying to make it look at least not worse using 64 times more pixels. At least I like this version of texture more than the previous attempt.