Star Trek Online: Release Notes: November 18th, 2015

  • New Featured Episode: Stormbound

    The new Featured Episode “Stormbound” has been added to the Featured Episode tab in the journal.
    This episode can be played by captains who are level 10 or higher.
    For more details, please visit the Stormbound blog at:…e%3A-new-featured-episode


    Trait System Improvements:

    Personal Traits will be split into two panels within the trait UI – Ground Personal Traits and Space Personal Traits.
    Players will have access to the same number of traits of 9, or 10 if playing an Alien species, for both sections.
    These traits unlock at the same levels as before.
    We’ve added 4 new ground and 14 new space traits.

    These new traits are available to all species, regardless of rank or faction.

    For more details, please visit the Trait System Improvements blog at:…trait-system-improvements

    Resolved an issue which was occasionally causing a crash when clicking buttons in the UI.
    Resolved an issue where Gold Members were not receiving 10 free Dry Dock slots.

    Players who experienced this will have 5 additional slots upon logging in.

    Resolved an issue which was causing players to not be able to make Liberated Borg Romulan or Talaxian captains.
    M.A.C.O. Helmets can be equipped on Female captains once again.


    The Episode Sunrise has now been placed into a new journal tab titled “Future Proof” and set to level 60.
    Badlands Battlezone: The correct rewards are now given out when placed in first through third place where applicable.
    Khitomer Vortex Advanced has been updated so that Normal and Advanced versions have the same objectives, Advanced versions do not fail, and rewards are the same as or greater than before.
    Episodes in the Iconian War can now be skipped if at the appropriate level.

    Known Issues:

    Foundry functions are temporarily unavailable.
    There are some missing spots of VO in Stormbound.
    The fire tornado in the Badlands Battlezone has incorrect FX when defeated.

    Check out our previous patch notes here.