WCDX Focuses Its Lenses

  • The first test build of


    for Kilrathi Saga WC2 rolled out earlier this month, and fans quickly jumped in to start running the patch through its paces. A few players encountered some graphical blurriness, and


    has managed to redo how the program resizes the gameplay window to resolve this issue. Overall it's still in the phase where basic functionality like this is being tested, but longer term plans include fixing things like cockpit damage, smoothing out performance speed and eliminating input lag. Follow continued development at the

    CIC Forums

    and try out the latest version of WCDX



    Here's another test build. This one implements the stretch and extra buffer copy. There are some known issues:
    • The window resizing experience (dragging the window border in windowed mode) looks wonky, but doesn't break anything.
    • Multi-monitor support may be broken under certain specific scenarios. I'm not at home right now, so I don't have a second display to test with.
    Thanks for the feedback, and keep it coming! I may not be able to quickly jump on these issues, but I definitely want them documented here so that I can refer to them later.

