Holodeck Patch Notes: September 3, 2015

  • General:

    • Resolved a number of issues involving FX related crashes.
    • Resolved an issue which was causing occasional crashes involving the UI.
    • Resolved an issue which occasionally caused a crash when a mission objective would update.
    • “Butterfly” is now a level 60 mission found in the Iconian War tab of the episode journal.
    • The Torpedo FX will now properly end when Tholian Disruption torpedoes explode.
    • The R.R.W. Cretak will no longer appear in random Romulan space spawns.
    • Resolved an issue where when switching to another character in the same Armada as the last, not all fleets will appear listed in the Armada list.
    • Crystalline Cataclysm event has been extended to 9/7/15 at 10:00 AM.
    • Added Yvonne Craig to the memorial plaque.
    • Resolved an issue which was causing Radiant Subatomic Field to be too loud.
    • Resolved an issue where the Available Skills UI left-side list might become too large.
    • Made slight changes to the icon art for Blaze of Glory.
    • Hooked up a unique icon for the Seismic Agitation Field power.
    • Added new icon for probation booting.


    • A new unique Shield has been added to the Shields R&D School: Hyper-Capacitor Shield Array [Cap]x4.
      • Has even higher Capacity and lower Regen than a Covariant base shield.
      • Has a built-in “Capacitance Bleed” mode which, when toggled on, increases Energy Weapon Damage at the price of draining a small amount of the players current Shield Capacity with each weapon fire.
      • This recipe requires Level 15 in the Shields R&D School, and also requires an R&D Shield Specialist to create.
    • The project costs for all Weekly Fleet Buffs have been adjusted:
      • Fleet Marks increased from 300 to 400.
      • Dilithium reduced from 25,000 to 20,000.
      • Fleet Credits reduced from 750,000 to 200,000. YAY
      • Expertise unchanged at 200,000.
    • Vaadwaur Split Bolt and Vaadwaur Assault Debilitator weapons now gain correct [Mod]s at Ultrarare and Gold quality upgrades.
      • Existing versions of these items have been updated.
    • Resolved an issue that was allowing [PvP Res] and [PvP Dmg] mods to still appear on crafted Deflector Dishes.
    • Resolved an issue that was causing Piercing Tetryon Weapons to change into normal Tetryon Weapons when attempting to Upgrade them.
      • Existing items that already fell victim to this issue will not be reverted.
      • Only newly-obtained versions can be upgraded.
    • Repaired upgrade path for some items that were not receiving the proper [Mod] additions at certain quality upgrades including:
      • CRM 200
      • Federation Type 1 Phaser
      • Jem’Hadar Assault Wide-Area Minigun
      • Plasmatic Biomatter Torpedo Launcher
      • Synchronic Proton Distortion Prototype Assault Rifle
      • Existing upgraded versions of the above weapons that are missing one or more [Mod] will be automatically repaired.
    • Fleet Research Lab:
      • Renamed “Krenim Researcher Outfit” to “Krenim Uniform Collection”.
      • Updated description on Krenim Uniform Collection to display correct list of costume pieces it includes.
      • Resolved a typo in the dialogue of the Duty Officer Assignments contact.
    • Removed restriction that made “Go Down Fighting” unavailable while the Starship Trait “Invincible” was active.
      • These can now be used together.


    • All explosions caused by Neutronic torpedoes are now limited to a maximum of 10 targets.
      • Subspace Vortex no longer shares a cooldown category with Gravity Well and Tyken’s Rift, but also no longer benefits from “Deflector” ability cooldown Duty Officers.
      • Subspace Vortex now more reliably cleans itself up, and triggers the appropriate cooldown on expiration.
    • Aceton Beam:
      • Description updated to reflect stacking limitations: Dmg effect applies, but all Radiation DOTs stack.
      • Increased base damage at all ranks by ~250%.
    • Resolved issues with a few powers that contained either Shield Drain or Shield Healing mechanics, which were incorrectly set to be unaffected by Resistances and/or Buffs including:
      • Overwhelm Emitters
      • Dominion Defense Screen
      • Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator
      • As a result of these changes, items which Debuff Shield Healing will also affect a wider variety of abilities.
    • Plasma Feedback Cascade now reflects damage back to the first attacker who hits with a ranged energy weapon.
    • “Sensor Distortion”, used by Romulan Drone hangar pets, can no longer effect players.
    • Borg’s “Assimilate Ship” debuff can once again be cleansed using Tactical Team, and properly displays its debuff icon while active.
    • Vascular Regenerator now cleanses all effects of Borg Assimilation Nanites.
    • Focused Assault no longer applies the Emitter Synergy buff to enemies while active.
    • Mines and Targetable Torpedoes can once again benefit from Kemocite-Laced Weaponry and Attack Pattern: Beta.
    • Resolved an issue that was allowing the passive 3 piece bonus from the Nukara Elite Ground Set to trigger effects that should not attach to passive abilities.
    • Resolved an issue that was allowing the Crystalline Refraction ability from the Nukara Crystalline Resilient Shields to be applied to the player’s primary ship when the shield was equipped on a slotted Shuttle.
    • The damage-over-time effect from Structural Integrity Collapse, all ranks, can now be removed by using Engineering Team.


    • Resolved a clipping issue on male Resistance Boots if thighs were scaled up.
    • Reman chests now properly appear when wearing the Reman Work Vest.
    • Resolved clipping issue on the TOS Mirror Female Upper pieces.
    • Adjusted the Talaxian Skirt to optimize character animation movements.
    • Bare Skin for Aliengen Female has been re-categorized.
      • The bare chest and bare hips have been made NPC only.
    • Set female “Shoe Motion Picture” to work with uniform loose pants.
    • Corrected Romulan 22nd century names to “23rd Century”.
    • Resolved an issue with certain species chests not showing when wearing the female KDF Honor Guard Be’ves top.
    • Removed female Dabo top from the Honor Guard category.
    • Resolved clipping issues on shins with male Honor Guard pants while wearing Honor Guard boots.

    Known Issues:

    • The glow from interactable objects stays visible after interacting with them.
    • Bridge Officer ground powers reset after viewing the status window of a Bridge Officer.
    • Some players are not able to reclaim the Breen Chel Grett and the Dyson Science Destroyer