Holodeck Release Notes: August 20th, 2015

  • General:

    • Resolved an issue related to toggle, auto-attack, and passive powers which was causing performance lag.
    • Resolved an issue in “Butterfly” where occasionally, while in a group of 5 players, some players would spawn underground in the Beta simulation.
    • Resolved an issue that was causing Subspace Vortex FX to not clean up correctly at the end of their duration.
    • Added Junior Officer Weekend to the event calendar.
    • Resolved a UI issue where occasionally when switching between characters in the same Armada, some fleets would disappear from the Armada list.


    • Coordinated Assault, Starship Trait:
      • Hangar Pets that use Pulse Cannons can now benefit from gaining the Rapid Fire mode.
      • Resolved an issue that was preventing Orion Slavers from being able to benefit from the Beam Overload mode.
    • Crystalline Spike Kit Module:
      • Activation time has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1 second.
      • Base Damage increased by 30%.
    • Resolved an issue that was preventing “Hold Together” from benefiting from any abilities which improved or were triggered by Hull Healing.
    • Resolved an issue that was causing “Rock & Roll” to multiply the periodic healing from “Hold Together” by 10,000%.


    • Added NPC Contacts from Butterfly and House Pegh.
    • Added Iconians as NPC Contacts.
      But won’t he complain bitterly that it’s not his fault?

    Known Issues:

    • Vaadwaur Split Bolt and Vaadwaur Assault Debilitator weapons do not gain the correct [Mod]s at Ultrarare and Gold quality upgrades.
    • Some players are not able to reclaim the Breen Chel Grett and the Dyson Science Destroyer.