Star Trek Online: Release Notes: July 30th, 2015

  • [subheading]General:[/subheading]

    • Resolved an issue that was allowing the damage bonus from Particle Focuser consoles from the Fleet Research Lab to benefit from damage bonuses themselves.
    • Resolved an issue that was causing the Iconian Resistance 2 piece bonus to passively trigger the damage bonus on Particle Focuser consoles.
    • Resolved an issue that was preventing the Firing Cycle Haste from applying when using the "Emergency Weapon Cycle" Starship Trait.
    • Increased Firing Cycle Haste value on "Emergency Weapon Cycle" from 10% to 20%.
    • Resolved an issue which was occasionally causing maps to crash.
    • The Vault Shuttle Event is now available.
    • Corrected a typo in the ship store description for the Fleet Heavy Destroyer [T6].

      • It incorrectly stated that it awarded the "Partners in Arms" starship trait.
      • Fleet ships do not get starship traits, so this erroneous text was removed.

    [subheading]Known Issues:[/subheading]

    • Some players are not able to reclaim the Breen Chel Grett and the Dyson Science Destroyer.
    • The trait “Salvage Specialist” does not work for Bridge Officers.
    • Some Warp Cores from vendors have the W->S mod available before Epic quality.

    Edited once, last by Huor ().