Bulky BW Bomber Bashes BL Baddies

  • DefianceIndustries

    is back with another Border Worlds heavyweight, the


    bomber. He's put together this gorgeous take on the design to spice up the ship in the

    Homeworld mod

    . A nice touch here is that you can see the ordnance stocked in the weapon bays. This particular craft is labeled #258, the "Duck of Death." Some snazzy nose art follows the pretty ship pictures below. Also take a peek at DI's Vindicator




    "The Avenger...well, she's got about a hundred nicknames and ain't a one flattering. 'The Bus', 'The Pregnant Beast', 'B.U.F.F'; that one stands for Big Ugly Fat...well, you can figure out the rest. She's ugly as sin, but if you want a ship that can take a pounding and bring ya home then she's the bird for you." - Tech Sgt. Ed McElroy BWS Reliant, Excerpted from 'Carrier: A Life in the Union Militia'
