Kilrathi RPG Expansion Bulks Up Story Component

  • thrakhath_kilrathisagat.jpgIt's been a while since we checked in with


    's Wing Commander


    , and he's made consistent progress virtually




    . In June he dived into the exposition that sets up the Kilrathi expansion module's backstory. It includes multiple scenes such as a flashback to the day Bloodeye N'Ryllis learned of Kilrah's destruction. Everything points to this aspect being pretty neat fan fiction in its own right! Some of the dialogue conversations will be translated into Kilrathi using the


    he's been working out. There may even be a standalone


    'treatise' released in the near future.

    This past week saw the same thing as the last couple of weeks - namely work in Chapter 2.0 of the Elegy campaign - though this week I can report something accurately designated as "progress". I began the week last week by adding 29 new and re-purposed terms to the Kilrathi lexicon from the previous week's translation work. I am starting to note a slow transition towards "re-purposed" terms (i.e. ones that I've added additional meaning to) as opposed to brand new words. I also made a set of requested changes to the variants of the Shrike bomber and Hercules shuttle for Doc Wade's Victory-class killer capship. After that it was back to work - and I finished the translation of the first scene before the day was out on Monday. The completion of the first scene's translation work wrap's that section up - one down, five to go in 2.0.