Priv Retrospective Starts Exploring The Troy System

  • RugePlus

    has kicked off a new "Let's Play" series covering Wing Commander Privateer. There have been quite a few people interested in profiling the main games in the franchise, but Priv has gotten much less attention. The mission structure of the core games makes for attractive bite-size episodes, and a free-form adventure can be harder to review. This video does a nice job setting the stage by introducing things like the mission computer, ship upgrades and spaceflight. The narrator provides a clean and straightforward introduction to the universe without being annoying like some YouTube personalities can be. He plans to work a bunch of missions offline to earn some credits and will then pick up with the storyline soon. We'll be looking forward to seeing how his Gemini Sector adventures go!

    Welcome to Wing Commander: Privateer, the open-ended adventure by Origin Systems set in the Wing Commander Universe. It's 2669 in the Gemini Sector and join me in the journey through pirates, mercenaries and Kilrathi and we look to conquer the Gemini sector.

    Episode #01: Introduction & Jump DriveWe focus on obtaining the credits for our jump drive, required to leave the troy system and venture out into the three other quadrants of the Gemini system.