WC Vega Flight Roster Doubles Almost Over Night

  • It's been another hyper productive week for Mike Peters and his students working on the

    WC Vega

    film project! They finished a whopping three new fighter designs in the last few days, including the Hornet, Raptor and Jalthi. All three benefit from the expertise they've built putting together previous models, and the result is surprisingly accurate given the simple construction materials. They've even recreated the iconic landing sequence lining up with the Tiger's Claw! As great as that scene is, there's also something pretty rewarding about the final picture below where the Raptor zeroes in for the kill. Check out tons more pictures and stories about making putting these together


    . It's summer break now, so updates could slow for a bit, but we're anxious for them to get back into it in the fall!


    Next up, Jalthi. What? Whaddaya mean, “Out of plaster?” The Jalthi’s not done, but I’m in a hurry to get things cleaned up for summer.

    I built a Hornet while I was waiting for the Jalthi paint to dry. It’s an experiment with glitter paint. The glitter paint cost 200X the cost of the fighter. That is to say, the fighter cost 1c to build, and the glitter paint cost $2.00.

    The Raptor is my favorite – hands down, no contest. It wasn’t my favorite until I put the wings on. Then, I saw it. It LOOKS Sci-Fi – like the next generation of something Tom Corbett or Buck Rogers would fly. If you’ve ever played SolarQuest, you know. (If you haven’t played SolarQuest, then you don’t know your moons of Saturn.)
